- She came across a pile of old photographs while she was clearing the attic. 她打扫阁楼时偶然发现了一沓旧照片。
- They send a pile of old invoices to be shredded. 他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。
- They send a pile of old invoice to be shred. 他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。
- They sent a pile of old invoice to be shred. 他们将一堆旧发票送去切成碎条。
- Old John was sorting through a pile of old shoes. 老约翰正在整理一堆旧鞋。
- He found it among a pile of old books. 他是在一堆旧书中找到它的。
- He found it amongst a pile of old books. 他是在一堆旧书中找到它的.
- Sort through a pile of old photographs 把一堆旧照片整理一下
- A pile of old photograph 整理一堆旧照片
- The children huddled together on a pile of old sacks. 孩子们在一堆旧麻袋上面挤成一团。
- Your letter got buried under a pile of papers. 你的信压在一堆文件下面了。
- He rummaged about in the attic and brought out a pile of old newspapers. 他在阁楼里到处翻找,取出了一堆旧报纸。
- The car was now just a pile of twisted metal. 那辆汽车已经成了一堆压缩的废铁了。
- I cannot cope with such a pile of work. 我无法处理这么多工作。
- He pulled out a pile of used bank note. 他掏出一叠用旧了的纸币。
- There is a pile of potato in the garden. 园中有一堆马铃薯。
- I've got a pile of sewing to do. 我有很多东西要缝。
- Despite a few moments when her heartbeat seemed to fill the house, it proved to contain nothing more exciting than a pile of old newspapers - more dirtiness to clean. 尽管她为此心跳了一阵,但后来发现里面只不过是一堆旧报纸,肮脏难以清洁。
- There was nothing given me an impression that Allyson was related with China, until I found a pile of old photos kept by him. 阿廖沙家中并没有太多明显的中国痕迹,但当看到他珍存的一叠叠照片时,我的思绪瞬时就被带到了那个遥远的年代。
- He fell over the roof and dashed out his brains on a pile of stones below. 他从屋顶上掉下来,摔在下面的一个石堆上,撞得脑浆迸裂。