- A personal name or nickname. 人名或绰号
- If the Builder is an Individual, you will be able to see his or her real name or Nickname. 如果Builder是个人,您将能看见他或她的真名或昵称。
- The regular responds to each greeting, usually addressing the greeter by name or nickname. 这位客人一一还礼,通常叫对方的名字或者绰号。
- It is not polite to call a person names. 骂人是不礼貌的。
- It's wrong to call a person names. 骂人是不对的。
- Use your online name or nickname consistently and sign all messages with it (but protect your real identity by never using your full name). 保持你的网上用户名或者昵称并在你发的所有信息中签署你的名字(但是为了保护你的真实身份,不要使用你的全名)。
- A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person,such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯
- A term used as a descriptive substitute for the name or title of a person, such as The Great Emancipator for Abraham Lincoln. 加于人名的称号,绰号用来代替一个人姓名或头衔的称谓,如伟大的解放者用来称呼亚伯拉罕·林肯
- The nea time you want to call a person listed as one ofxthese tags, just say that person's name or a relevant code word. 下次你想给名单上任何一个人打电话的时候,便只需说出这个人的名字或相关的代号。
- A personal name has surprisingly variable structure in some cultures you can cause confusion or offense by omitting honorifics or assuming an order of parts of names. 个人姓名有着令人吃惊的可变结构,在一些文化中,如果忽略了尊称或者姓名中各个部分的先后顺序,可能会造成混乱或者冒犯他人。
- A person used by another as a dupe or tool. 被愚弄的人作为蠢物或工具而被人利用的人
- A person regarded as ungainly or dull witted. 愚笨的人被认为是笨拙的或弱智的人
- In Jewish belief of the time of Christ this was taken as signifying a personal name, Adam, and this tradition was adopted into Christianity. 在基督时期的犹太人信仰里面,这用来代表一个人的名字:亚当,这种传统被基督教所吸收。
- Dub give an unpfficial name or nickname 授予称号
- A person regarded as ferocious or violent. 被认为是残酷和凶猛的人
- For example, adding a name to a Microsoft Outlook Contacts folder is one action that might be taken with a person name smart tag. 例如,将名称添加到Microsoft Outlook“联系人”文件夹就是一个可用人名智能标记执行的操作。
- Your nickname lets a person worry for you. 你的昵称让人替你担心。
- We can personalize your cards by overprinting your customized greeting/message, co. name &logo, personal name or signature by any color or typeface upon your requirement. 我们可按您指定的颜色及字体加印您自选之贺词/语句;公司名称及徽号;人名或签名在咭上以令您选购之贺咭成为贵公司所独有.
- A person characterized by or exhibiting machismo. 男子汉以男子汉气概为特征或显示男子汉气概的人
- A person having a leading or starring role. 主要演员,主角担任领导或主要角色的人