- Fund, Open-end A mutual fund which continuously offers shares into the market. 开放式基金向市场不断投放基金单位的共同基金。
- Funds of Funds A mutual fund which invests in other mutual funds. 基金中的基金投资于其他共同基金的共同基金。
- A mutual fund established by a group of stockholders for speculating in or manipulating prices of securities. 集合基金为了投机或操纵证券价格而由一群证券持有人建立起来的共同基金
- To increase(an insurance premium or a mutual fund share price)by adding expenses or sale costs. 溢价于通过增加费用或销售价格来提高(保险费或合股投资的股价)
- There is no guaranty guarantee that a mutual fund will gain or keep its value under bad market conditions. 共有基金并没有对投资获利,或者是在很糟糕的市场状况下仍可保本作出承诺。
- Equity Fund A mutual fund that invests in a broad, well diversified group of stocks. 股票资金投资于范围广泛、多元化股票的共同基金。
- Management Fee A fixed fee that a mutual fund manager charges investors for his services and work with the fund. 管理费用共同基金经理就提供的服务向投资者收取的定额费用。
- Institutional Fund A mutual fund targeting high value investors with low fees, but high minimum requirements. 机构基金针对高价值投资者的共同基金,特点为收费低但最低投资要求高。
- International Fund A mutual fund that can invest in companies located anywhere outside of your own country. 国际基金可以在本土国家以外任何国家投资的共同基金。
- Fund, Closed-end A mutual fund that offers a limited number of shares which are traded on an exchange. 封闭式基金只投放一定数量基金单位,并在交易所交易的共同基金。
- A mutual fund (called 'unit trust' in Asia) is an investment vehicle that pools money from many individual investors. 互惠基金(以下简称'单位信托'是在亚洲)是一个投资渠道,集中资金,由许多个人投资者。
- To increase(an insurance premium or a mutual fund share price) by adding expenses or sale costs. 溢价于通过增加费用或销售价格来提高(保险费或合股投资的股价)
- An analyst employed by an entity, such as a mutual fund, that invests on its own accounts. 由实体如共同基金雇佣的分析师,此实体向自已的帐户投资。
- But unlike a mutual fund, a CDO has different tranches that give investors differentrights over this portfolio. 但是和共同基金不同的是,抵押债券的不同资金层,使投资者对这个组合资产有着不同的所有权。
- The action of a mutual fund or portfolio manager shifting investment assets from one sector of the economy to another. 共有资金或是一组投资经营从一个经济部门向另一个经济部门转移资金的行为。
- The study conducted by Oppenheimer,a mutual fund company,reveals that many young women are suffering from the Carrie Bradshaw syndrome. 这项由一家叫做Oppenheimer的共同基金公司所做的调查发现,不少青年妇女患上了Carrie Bradshaw综合症。
- Demutualization The process of changing corporate structure from a mutual fund company to some other form, such as a limited liability or corporation. 公司化、非共同化共同基金公司将企业结构改变成为其他形式,例如有限责任公司、商业企业等。
- We found that we had a mutual friend. 我们发现我们有一个共同的朋友。
- Fee, Management A fee paid by a mutual fund investor for management of the portfolio as well as for general administration of the fund. 共同基金投资者支付的管理证券资产和基金管理的费用。
- Income Fund A mutual fund that seeks to provide stable current income by investing in securities that pay interest or dividends. 收益基金宗旨在于通过投资有利息或股息的证券提供稳定收入的共同基金。