- A monastery or an abbey. 修道院寺庙或修道院
- The head of a religious community, such as a monastery, an abbey, or a convent. 修道院院长宗教团体,例如修道院、寺院或女修道院的主持人
- The head of a monastery or a group of monasteries. 修道院名誉院长修道院或一组修道院的院长
- A church that is or once was part of a monastery or convent. 属修道院教堂属于或曾属于大修道院或大寺院的教堂
- A place, especially a monastery or convent, devoted to religious seclusion. 修道院用于宗教隐居的地方,尤指修道院或女修道院
- "Abbey (529):Complex of Buildings housing a monastery or convent under the direction of an abbot or abbess , serving the needs of a self-contained religious community. 大修道院 (529): 以修道院或教堂组成,由修道院院长管理的建筑群,以供教会组织自给自足的需要。
- Khenpo: Originally the title for the host of ceremony for newly sworn-in monks. Later, it was generally used for the senior executive officer in a monastery or school. 堪布:原为喇嘛教中主持授戒者的称号,后通称寺院或学校之高级行政官。
- Life in a monastery or convent. 修道院生活在修道院或女修道院里的生活
- Be he a civil engineer or an electrical engineer? 他是土木工程师还是电气工程师?
- Be she a spaniard or an italian? 她是西班牙人还是意大利人?
- Of or having to do with an abbey, abbot, or abbess. 修道院的,男修道院院长的,女修道院长的
- A disease or an abnormality of the nervous system. 神经病神经系统的疾病或异常状态下的神经系统
- Of or having to do with an abbey,abbot,or abbess. 修道院的,男修道院院长的,女修道院长的
- A monastery supervised by an abbot. 男修道院由男性任院长的修道院
- Complex of buildings housing a monastery or convent under the direction of an abbot or abbess, serving the needs of a self-contained religious community. 以修道院或教堂组成,由修道院院长管理的建筑群,以供教会组织自给自足的需要。
- A disease or an abnormality of a joint. 关节病病变或或畸形的关节
- A salt or an ester of boric acid. 硼酸盐一种硼酸盐或硼酸酯
- the head of a religious community,such as a monastery,an abbey,or a convent 修道院院长,宗教团体,例如修道院、寺院或女修道院的主持人
- The act or an instance of wandering; a stroll. 闲逛徘徊的行为或事例; 闲逛
- Something of circular form; a circle or an orbit. 圆形物体圆形物体; 圆圈或环形轨道