- A misfortune came upon him. 他遇到一件不幸的事。
- A misfortune came upon him . 他遇到一件不幸的事。
- At this moment a strange idea came upon him. 此时,他突然产生了一个奇怪的想法。
- An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him when he was taking a walk with his wife. 他和他夫人散步时突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。
- A desire to go there again came upon him. 他再次出现了到那里去的念头。
- A remarkable improvement came upon him as to this. 关于这一点他已经有了显著的改善。
- I came upon him in town last week. 上星期我在城里碰见他。
- Then a fever of restless anger came upon him. 然后,一阵惶惶不安的怒气又占据了他。
- She came upon him unawares as he was searching her room. 她撞见他正在搜查她的房间。
- Fear came upon him as he waited. 他在等待时感到一阵恐惧。
- An ingenious idea suddenly came upon him. 他突然想到了一个绝妙的主意。
- Fear came upon him as he stood in the empty house. 他站在空荡荡的房子里,一种恐惧感袭上心头。
- We can come upon him for support. 我们可依赖他支援。
- Many misfortunes came upon his family during that winter. 那个冬天他家里多灾多难。
- Many misfortunes came upon them during that harsh winter. 在那个严冬许多不幸的事降临他们头上。
- She came upon him unawares when he was searching her room. 他在翻她屋子时,冷不防被她撞见了。
- Miserable as he was on the steamer, a new misery came upon him. 在游船上已经够痛苦,更痛苦的事发生了。
- Often I came upon him reading your letters over and over in the lemon house. 我常常碰到他在柠檬房里一遍又一遍地看你的信。
- A misfortune is certainly hanging over us! 我们肯定要遭受不幸了!
- And then it came upon him that he would marry her and she would be his life. 他突然想到,他将娶她为妻,因为她是他的生命。