- She looked about her helplessly for a means of escape. 她无助地四下观望,寻找脱身之机。
- Young people are the most inclined to turn to marriage as a means of escaping from an unhappy home environment. 年轻人最容易把结婚作为逃避不幸家庭环境的一种方式。
- A nymph who metamorphosed into a laurel tree as a means of escaping from Apollo. 达佛涅为逃避阿波罗而变成一颗月桂树的女神
- A way of escaping a difficulty,especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance. 漏洞逃避困难的一个办法,尤指在合同或法律词句中的疏漏或含糊不清,提供了一种逃避遵守的方法。
- A means of one-way transmission. 单向传输的一种手段。
- A way of escaping a difficulty, especially an omission or ambiguity in the wording of a contract or law that provides a means of evading compliance. 漏洞逃避困难的一个办法,尤指在合同或法律词句中的疏漏或含糊不清,提供了一种逃避遵守的方法
- Children from broken families are the most inclined to turn to drinking or smoking as a means of escaping from their unhappy home environments. 来自破碎家庭的孩子最容易将酗酒与吸烟作为逃避不幸家庭环境的一种方式。
- Fire provided a means of smelting ores. 火提供了熔炼矿石的手段。
- The Rave scene reflected an urbanized youth that chose to live a hedonistic life as a means of escaping the drudgery of the 9 to 5. 都市化的青年选择逍遥度日以此来逃避朝九晚五的乏闷,而“锐舞”文化就是他们的写照。
- The act or a means of enlightening. 启迪启迪的行为或方式
- Then, meditation is not a means of running away from the world, or of escaping from it into a trancelike experience of an altered state of consciousness. 再者,禅坐不是避世的方法,也不是脱离世间,沦入一种恍惚的意识状态中。
- A means of access, control, or possession. 手段到达、控制或占有的方法
- A means of catching or ensnaring; a trap. 陷阱捕捉或诱捕的方式; 圈套
- A means of escaping. 逃跑工具或方法
- An opening providing a means of entrance or intake. 入口公开地提供入场的方式或入口
- Cheques have largely replaced money as a means of exchange. 作为交易方式,支票已经很大程度地取代了现金。
- A means of defense or protection. 一种防御或者保护的方法
- A means of flight or of rapid ascent. 飞行的方法;快速上升的方法
- A means of protection or defense; a bulwark. 保护保护或防御的方法;保障
- Money is only a means of exchange. 因为钱只是交换的工具。