- Leeds Castle, four miles south east of Maidstone, Kent, England, dates back to 1119, though a manor house stood on the same site from the ninth century. 在2400多棵杉树组成的迷宫里,不少游客需要指点才能找到出口。利兹堡中还有一个独一无二的博物馆:狗项圈博物馆。
- There is a large country house surrounded by a manor. 那儿是一所庄园大宅第。
- A manor house. 庄园主宅地
- After his father died, his fee would be a manor. 父亲去世后,他将继承世袭的庄园。
- It was the quintessence of an English manor house. 那是典型的英式庄园宅第。
- The thieves broke into the manor house and stole ten old masters. 小偷闯进了庄园主住宅,偷走了10幅名画。
- Even before the trial the manor house of the baron was torched. 还没有开庭审判,那个地主庄园就被烧毁了。
- The ghost of a hanged poacher is said to haunt the manor house. 据说一个吊死的偷猎者的鬼魂常在这个庄园里出没。
- Interestingly, a local manor house bears the name of Owlpen Manor. 有趣的是,当地有一个别墅叫“猫头鹰栏庄园”。
- The peasant rebels burned down the manor houses. 起义农民焚烧了地主庄园。
- The builder of the manor house is a direct ancestor of the present owner. 建造这幢庄园的人就是它现在主人的一个直系祖先。
- He wants to buy himself a manor when he becomes rich. 他想有了钱之后买一座属于自己的农庄。
- He was hired to survey a manor for its extent, ownership and liabilities. 他被雇去调查一个庄园的范围、所有权和债务情况。
- A French manor house. 法国的庄园建筑
- Over all presides the Queen Anne manor house, now the property of an egocentric actress and her fourth devoted husband. 这一切之中最显眼的是安妮女王的庄园,现在它归一个自以为是的演员和她第四任忠实的丈夫所有。
- He took out a fire insurance policy for his house. 他为自己的房子办理了一份火险保险单。
- There was one such, an Elizabethan manor house in the village of Winsyatt, almost in view of the great house. 温斯亚特附近就有一座伊丽莎白时代的小庄园,从那儿几乎可以看到大庄园。
- Another discarded document rescued by the Malfoy Manor house elves and placed in a drawer in the parlour escritoire. 另一张被Malfoy庄园的家养小精灵挽救的羊皮纸,被放置在会客室写字台的抽屉里。
- Buying a house is the best hedge against inflation. 购买房子是防止通货膨胀的最佳保障。
- When Owen does eventually call a halt to his career, a life at the Manor House Stables beckons. 然后,我回在星期一飞回来,一周剩下的时间就会待在那里。