- A keepsake or souvenir. 纪念品或留念
- My aunt gave me one of her brooches as a keepsake. 我姑母把她的一支胸针送给我作记念。
- My aunt give me one of her brooch as a keepsake. 我的姑母把她的一只胸针送给我作纪念。
- He gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away. 他在离开前送我一张照片做为纪念。
- A reminder of the past; a keepsake. 遗物,纪念物用以提醒过去的东西;纪念物
- Please have this ring for a keepsake. 请收下这个戒指作为信物。
- A reminder of the past;a keepsake. 遗物,纪念物用以提醒过去的东西;纪念物
- S.Olympic Committee.She made a keepsake etching. 她另外请人刻了一块留作纪念。
- Please have this ring for a keepsake . 请收下这个戒指作为信物。
- Would you mind if I took one of the pictures as a keepsake? 我拿走-张画作纪念,你有意见吗?
- Shanghai is looking forward to hosting the 2010 World Expo. This week, an expensive souvenir was unveiled for collectors eager for a keepsake. 上海正企盼着举办2010年世博会。本周,一枚昂贵的纪念品为渴望收购的收藏家们揭开了面纱。
- An in-house photographer is available on request for documentation, or souvenir coverage. 内部摄影师可应要求提供的文件,或纪念品覆盖。
- My friend gave me his picture as a keepsake before going away. 我的朋友在离别前给我一张照片留作纪念。
- I send this piece of calligraphy to you as a keepsake. 把我的这幅字送给你,作为存念吧。
- We will have few possessions, and those mostly as keepsakes or mementos. 我们将缺少财产,大部分缺少纪念品。
- People want to have it.Maybe they want to keep it as a kind of memento or souvenir," Baydan, who has dark hair and weary-looking brown eyes, says. 或许他们会把它作为一种回忆或纪念品来收藏”,有着黑色头发和略显疲惫的棕色眼睛的拜登先生表示。
- I had them from my father, Duman Stewart, and now give you one of them to be a keepsake for last night's work. 这是我父亲邓肯·斯图亚特给我的,现在,我送给你一颗,作为昨晚上战斗的纪念品。
- After question part, President Liu of Microsoft Club presented a keepsake to Wang, to thank his wonderful lecture and his coming. 在提问环节之后,现任微软俱乐部主席刘畅代表微软俱乐部向王知衍教授赠送了纪念品,感谢王教授的精彩演讲,感谢他对本次活动的支持。
- I still have it as a keepsake. 我把它当纪念品保存着。
- Then I walk to the parking lot on the southeast side of building 76, and take a picture of the number for a keepsake. 嘿嘿,集中优势兵力围点打援伏击么?