- A gluttonous eater. 贪食的人
- He is a gluttonous and lazy guy. 他是个好吃懒做之徒。
- A glutton derives sensual pleasures from eating. 暴食者可从吃中得到感官上的愉悦。
- Sometimes the gets hungry and eats like a glutton. 一些时候幼宰饥饿的时候吃起来像一个暴食者.
- Sometimes he gets hungry and eats like a glutton. 当他饿的时候,吃东西来象个老饕。
- He's a glutton; he ate himself sick this time. 他贪吃,这回把肚子吃坏了。
- Indeed, this child is a glutton. 这孩子真是个馋鬼。
- An instance of gluttonous eating. 大量的食物
- He is immune to lasers, but is a glutton and will eat itself to death. 激光武器不能给它造成任何伤害,但是它是一个暴食者,经常会把自己撑死。
- A greedy person,a glutton w ho looks the part,big belly and all. 意为“贪吃的人”,挺着大肚子,一副暴食者的形象。
- She's a glutton for work.She stays late every evening. 她是个工作狂,每天都很晚才下班。
- In any case, you must demonstrate that you"re a glutton for hard work. 无论如何, 你一定示范你"关于一位暴食者为努力地工作。
- He is a glutton for work. 他是个工作狂。
- A glutton for punishment. 极能忍耐惩罚者
- It's a real hassle to get this child to eat. 使这孩子吃东西,真要费九牛二虎之力。
- He's a glutton for work. 他是个工作狂。
- You should ask your brother to do all your hard work for you-he's a glutton for punishment. 你应该找你哥哥帮你做那些难干的活,他就是那种人嘛。
- We'll eat at whichever restaurant has a free table. 哪个饭馆有空桌我们就在哪儿吃吧。
- Among the guests there was a gluttonous man whose eyes stared at a plate full of walnuts and ate all of them. 客人中有个贪吃的人,眼盯着满满的一碟核桃,全吃光了。
- For those who car, Chengdu Motor Show is a gluttonous feast of visual, people are screaming fun. 对于爱车者来说,成都车展无疑是一次视觉的饕餮盛宴,让人大呼过瘾。