- A global sell off. A global sell off spilling onto Wall Street today. The Dow-Jones Industrial Average now down four hundred sixty two points. 一场全球股市大跌。一场全球股市大跌今天冲击华尔街。道琼斯工业平均指数现在已经跌了462点。
- He decided to sell off some of the less promising stocks. 他决定廉价出售一部分滞销存货。
- The company was forced to sell off its assets. 那家公司被迫以低价出售资产。
- Air pollution is a global problem. 空气污染是全球性的问题。
- Break it up and sell off the pieces. 把它拆散一部份一部份的卖掉。
- Environmental protection has been a global concern. 环保已经成为全球性问题。
- After the war, we had to sell off part of the farm. 战后我们不得不将部分农场抛售出去。
- He was forced to sell off his land. 他被迫以低价将土地出售。
- Today the leaders of China have a global outlook. 今天,中国的领导人都具有国际视野。
- The firm was selling off its summer stock. 这家公司正举行夏季大拍卖。
- They sent a global e-mail to all staff. 他们向全体职员发了一封统一的电子邮件。
- We can't sell off those goods just now. 那批货一时出脱不了。
- He can't sell off his paintings. 他的画卖不出去。
- BREW continues to expand on a global scale. BREW继续在全球开展。
- I was hard up then, and had to sell off my books. 我当时手头紧,没法子,只好卖书。
- Optimizing a Global Illumination calculaion. 优化全局光照计算。
- Does it assume a global name space? 要假定一个全局名称空间吗?
- Domestic Violence a Global Health Problem. 家庭暴力,一个全球妇女健康问题。
- How can we make curing cancer a global priority? 如何才能让治愈癌症成为全世界关注的头等大事?
- HGLOBAL Handle to a global memory block. 全局内存块句柄。