- A ghostly form; a phantom. 幻象一种幽灵形式;幻象
- A ghostly form;a phantom. 幻象一种幽灵形式;幻象
- I discuss the rise of a phantom axiology, one that does not deny the existing system of values but duplicates it in a ghostly manner. 我讨论一种魅幻价值论的兴起,该价值论并不否认现存的价值系统,而是以李代桃僵的方式,借复制来淘空此一系统。
- There seemed to be a ghostly presence in the room. 屋里像是有个鬼似的。
- A ghostly figure appeared on the stage. 一个幽灵的身影出现在舞台上。
- A ghostly voice was whispering in his ears. 幽灵般的低语声在他耳边回响。
- I saw a ghostly light ahead of me in the darkness. 在黑暗里,我看见前面有一道飘忽的亮光。
- There seems to be a ghostly presence in the room. 屋里像是有个鬼似的。
- Her voice was modulated to a ghostly cheerfulness. 她的声音是愉快的,但做作得可怕。
- A ghostly voicewas whispering in his ears. 幽灵般的低语声在他耳边回响。
- The castle is said to be haunted by a phantom. 据说那座城堡时常闹鬼。
- Her voice was modulated to a ghostly cheerfulness . 她的声音是愉快的,但做作得可怕。
- The "National Redoubt" was a phantom. “民族堡垒”其实只是一个幻影。
- You will observe the appearance of a phantom row. 您会发现将出现一个幻像行。
- A phantom of the opera is there inside my mind. 歌剧魅影在那里,在我的意识里。
- "It is a tragic piece about a widow who is falsely accused of murder and is executed following a forced confession, but whose name is cleared in the final act when she reappears in a ghostly form." 这是一个悲剧,讲的是一个寡妇被诬告杀人,屈打成招后被处极刑,然而在最后一幕中她阴魂出现,洗清了不白之冤。
- Resembling, characteristic of, or being a phantom; illusive. 虚幻的类似幻想的,具有空想特征的,成为幻想的;幻影的
- A circuit arrangement for deriving a phantom circuit. 用来派生一个幻象电路的电路结构。
- Only the neon in the cold counter glared a ghostly blue. 只有冷藏柜上的氖灯发出阴惨惨的蓝光。
- Indeed, pain itself is an illusion, a phantom in the brain. 实际上疼痛本身就是一个幻觉,一个脑中的幽灵。