- A general ranks a captain. 将军的级别比上尉高。
- A captain ranks a commander in the navy. 在海军中,上校的军衔高于中校。
- In the army, a general is of a higher rank than a captain. 在陆军里将军的军衔比上尉高。
- A major ranks a captain. 少校军阶高于上尉。
- A captain in the army ranks below a captain in the navy. 陆军上尉的阶级比海军上校的低。
- He was a general who had risen from the ranks. 他是个行伍出身的将军。
- The major general ranks at this camp. 少将是这个营地的最高级军官。
- A captain is below a general. 上尉的军衔低于将军。
- A major precedes a captain in rank. 少校军阶高于上尉。
- A lieutenant general is above a captain. 中将比上尉的职位高。
- A captain is inferior to a major. 上尉的级别低於少校。
- As a soldier as it's for a sergeant,a captain,a major or a general,each must do his duty effectively and if he does so he should be treated with appropriate high respect as an individual. 一个兵不管他是中士、上尉、少校还是上将,每个人都应该尽职尽责,如果他做到了,那作为个人他就该受到高度尊重。
- She was lifted from a captain to the rank of major. 她从上尉提升为少校。
- He is a general who had come up from ranks. 他是一位从军队中一级一级晋升上来的将军。
- A captain commands a company or battery. 一个上尉指挥一个连队或炮兵连。
- Please give me a general idea of the work. 请告诉我这项工作的梗概。
- Mr Powel has marked out a general course of action. 鲍威尔先生已经拟定了一个总的行动计划。
- The rank, office, or tenure of a general. 将军的职位、办公室或保有权
- The rebels returned home under a general amnesty. 造反的人经大赦释放回家。
- Do you think it's a general trend? 你认为这是总的趋势吗?