- She had a reputation of being a frivolous coquette. 大家都说她是一个轻佻的荡妇。
- This is a frivolous way of attacking the problem. 这是一种轻率敷衍的处理问题的方式。
- That is not a frivolous answer, but a serious one. 这不是轻率的而是严肃的回答。
- A frivolous portrayal 形容猥琐
- No one has ever been healed by a frivolous lawsuit. 无谓的诉讼从没有治愈任何人。
- She is a frivolous little fool, vain and flighty. 她是个单纯轻浮的小傻女孩儿。
- She thought that reading romantic novels was a frivolous way of spending her time. 她认为看浪漫小说是虚度时光。
- She has a frivolous nature and won't take anything seriously. "她生性轻浮,什么事情都不肯认真对待。"
- He has a frivolous nature and won't take anything seriously. 他生性轻浮,什么事情都不肯认真对待。
- She has a frivolous nature and won' t take anything seriously. 她生性轻浮,什么事情都不肯认真对待。
- He was a fool to chuck himself away on such a frivolous woman. 把自己的精力浪费在这样一个轻浮的女人身上,他真是个傻瓜。
- She had a reputation of being a frivolous coquette . 大家都说她是一个轻佻的荡妇。
- To engage in many love affairs, especially with a frivolous or casual attitude. 玩弄感情卷入许多恋爱事件中,尤指以一种轻浮的或漫不经心的态度
- To engage in many love affairs,especially with a frivolous or casual attitude. 玩弄感情卷入许多恋爱事件中,尤指以一种轻浮的或漫不经心的态度。
- We had just got to the most interesting part of the discussion when he butted in with a frivolous remark. 我们刚讨论最重要的问题时,他突然插嘴,说了些无关紧要的话。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。
- He was more certain than ever now that Tu Hsin-to was nothing more than a frivolous young hedonist. 他向来以为杜新箨是不知厉害的享乐公子,现在他更加确定了。
- There was a long lag in forwarding mail to us. 转寄给我们的邮件晚了很久才拿到。
- A bowl of hot chicken soup is good for you. 喝一碗热鸡汤对你有好处。
- It may sound like a frivolous expense, but going to a high-performance driving school is one of the best ways to improve your skill as a driver. 这似乎是轻举妄动的高消费,不过参加高效的驾校培训是提高驾驶技术的最好方法。