- A fox dart out of the midst of the thicket. 一只狐狸从灌木丛中窜了出来。
- A fox yelps 狐狸叫。
- A fox saw a lion confined in a cage. 一只狐狸看到一只被监禁的狮子。
- There was a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop. 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近踅来踅去。
- The hunting dog scented a fox in the hole and opened up. 猎犬嗅出洞里有一只狐狸,便狂吠起来。
- He felt as if he had been bewitched by a fox. 他觉得好像被一个狐狸精迷惑住了。
- There is a fox on the prowl near the chicken coop. 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近踅来踅去。
- The hunters took a fox by a trap. 猎人们设陷阱捉住一只狐狸。
- A fox should not be of the jury at a goose's trial. 审鹅不应狐陪审。
- The hounds were on the scent of a fox. 猎狗找到了一只狐狸的臭迹。
- He aimed his gun at a fox and fired. 他把枪口对准狐狸射击。
- The hunters put up a fox in the forest. 猎人们在森林中赶出一只狐狸。
- It feels as if it were the fur of a fox. 它予人彷佛是狐皮的感觉。
- The hunter lured a fox into a trap. 猎人把狐狸诱入陷井。
- The dealer is as cunning as a fox. 这个经销商像狐狸一样狡猾。
- The dog traced a fox to its den. 狗追狐狸到其巢穴。
- The lair of a wild animal, such as a fox. 窝野生动物(如狐狸)的穴、窝
- Used as a hunting cry to urge hounds after a fox. 唷克斯常用作打猎的喊叫声以催促猎狗追赶狐狸
- There is a fox on the prowl near the henhouse. 有只狐狸在鸡舍附近徘徊。
- A fox breaks wind in order to escape hunting dogs. 狐狸放屁以逃避猎狗。