- A flow of word is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,未必明智。
- A metal tube in which a flow of gas is mixed with a controlled flow of air to concentrate the heat of a flame,used especially in the identification of minerals. 吹风管吹进混合人工控制的气流使火焰更旺的金属管,经常用于矿物的性质分析
- A metal tube in which a flow of gas is mixed with a controlled flow of air to concentrate the heat of a flame, used especially in the identification of minerals. 吹风管吹进混合人工控制的气流使火焰更旺的金属管,经常用于矿物的性质分析
- A flow of oil poured all over the ground. 涌出的油流了一地。
- A flow of air. 气流空气的流动
- Man's intellect is considered as a flow of energy. 人类的智能是被视为一种储力之流的。
- A device that cuts off a flow of fluid. 截止阀把一股液体截断的装置
- A flow of words is no proof of wisdom. 口若悬河,不能证明真有才智。
- A flow of oil poured all over the floor. 涌出的油流了一地。
- You started a flow of information. 你就洋溢在川流不息的信息中。
- A sluice or gate used to control a flow of water. 水闸门一种用于控制水流量的闸门
- A flow of wordsc is no proof ofp wisdom. 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。
- A flow of words is noz proof of wisdom. 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明。
- A flow of wards is no proof of wisdom. 处处防卫并不是拥有智慧的证明。
- Ensure there is a free flow of air around the machine. 要确保机器周围空气畅通。
- A backward flow of air, as from the propeller of an aircraft. 喷气流向后流动的空气,如由飞机的螺旋浆引起
- The flow of air was being closely monitored by the agents. 这些机构正在密切监视空气的流动。
- The flow of traffic;a flow of paperwork across his desk. 川流不息的交通;他办公桌上永无休止的文件
- I'll just trot out for a breath of air. 我要到外面去走走换换空气。
- The flow of air through the fan is substantially parallel to the impeller axis. 通过风机的气流基本上是与叶轮轴平行的。