- A dwelling; an abode. 住宅;房屋
- The group living in such a dwelling. 印地安部落居住在这种房屋里的一群人
- This is absolutely an abode of Buddhist deities! 绝对是一个佛教的神仙洞府啊!
- To move or go from a dwelling or former position. 从住所或原先的位置移动或离开.
- Shelter is not only a dwelling place. “避难所”并不是单纯的居住场所。
- She gave a party in baby-house of a dwelling. 她在她那婴儿屋一般大小的屋子里开了一个晚会!
- Sometimes, an entire boathouse is turned into a dwelling. 有时,整个船库都变成了一座寓所。
- Sometimes,an entire boathouse is turned into a dwelling. 有时,整个船库都变成了一座寓所。
- The Harivansa says, "An abode without birds is like a meat without seasoning. 哈利梵萨说过:“并无鸟雀巢居的房屋像未曾调味的烧肉。”
- And Sharon will be an abode for the flock, And the valley of Achor a resting place for the herd, For My people who have sought Me. 10沙仑平原必成为羊群的圈,亚割谷必成为牛群躺卧之处,都为那寻求我、属我的民所得。
- But, answers one, by merely paying this tax, the poor civilized man secures an abode which is a palace compared with the savage's. 可是,有人会说,只要付了租金,可怜的文明人就有了住处,那比起野人待的地方简直是宫殿。
- A barge designed and equipped for use as a dwelling or cruiser. 船屋设计装备来用作住所或游艇的平底船
- He had an abiding love of the English countryside. 他永远热爱英国的乡村。
- A dwelling place together with the family or social unit that occupies it; a household. 家庭,家族一个居所以及居于其中的家庭或社会单位; 家庭
- A structure serving as a dwelling for one or more persons, especially for a family. 房屋作为一个人或多个人,特别是作为一家人的住处的建筑物
- Thorns will come up in its fortified towers, Nettles and thistles in its fortified cities; It will also be a haunt of jackals And an abode of ostriches. 赛34:13以东的宫殿要长荆棘.保障要长蒺藜和刺草.要作野狗的住处、鸵鸟的居所。
- Soon after we came to the city, we rented a dwelling place. 来到城里不久,我们的寓所已经租定。
- A furnished van drawn by a truck or an automobile and used when parked as a dwelling or an office. 汽车拖的活动房屋由卡车或汽车牵引的经过装修的轻型车,停下来时可用作住所或办公室
- His strength in a crisis is an ace in the hole. 临危不惧是他的看家本领。
- A real estate of 3 million sqm will be developed with a dwelling district of 2000 acres and an comprehensive land to be started. 以及即将推出的约2000亩住宅、250亩综合用地,可开发房产面积300万平方米。