- A daydream;a reverie. 白日梦;想入非非
- A daydream; a reverie. 白日梦;想入非非
- She fell into a reverie about her childhood. 她沉浸在对童年往事的遐想中。
- She stared out of the window, lost in a daydream. 她凝视窗外,沉浸在幻想之中。
- It was hopeless even as a daydream. 这样的婚事绝无可能,不啻白日做梦。
- Vision without action is a daydream. 没有行动的远志只是白日梦;
- She fell into so deep a reverie. 她已深深地沉入一种幻想之中。
- If everything is a daydream, please let me stay in it forever. 如果一切都是白日梦;那麽就让我永远都不用醒来......
- This wish is just a daydream that will never come true. 你这个愿望完全就是痴梦, 根本不可能实现。
- On hearing the song, I fell into a reverie about the grasslands. 歌声把我带到对草原的冥想之中。
- This is not the pose of a daydreamer. 这不是一个梦想家应有的姿势。
- Vision without action is a daydream, action without vision is a nightmare. 没有行动的想象是白日梦;而没有想象的行动是一场噩梦.
- He spoke as if in a reverie, as if straining to recapture the joy of the past. 他现出梦幻的样子,好像极力在追忆当时的情景。
- Vision without action is a daydream , action without vision is a nightmare. 没有行动的想象是白日梦;而没有想象的行动是一场噩梦.
- It is a daydream to think that succeed could come without any effort. 没有任何付出就想取得成功,那是白日做梦。
- He fell into a reverie after this, and puffed meditatively at his cigar. 这之后他落入遐想,沉思地缓缓喷出雪茄的烟来。
- For example, I want to raise a horse, this is really hard for me who live in a city is like a daydream. 比如; 我想养一匹马; 这对于住在都市里的我来说绝对是个白日梦.
- She touched the switch and the sudden blaze of light roused her sister, who was lying back on a sofa in a reverie. 林佩珊按墙上的电钮,一片光明就将斜躺在沙发上沉思的吴少奶奶惊觉。
- Somewhat reassured, she went on, half in a reverie, "I've been dreaming about you a lot lately. 过后她又现出欣慰的样子半梦幻地说道:“我近来时常做梦,总是梦见你的时候居多。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。