- A cut above the average. 高于一般的程度
- She's a cut above the rest (of her colleagues). 她比其他(共事的)人略胜一筹。
- His latest novel is a cut above the rest. 他最近出版的小说比其他的小说都好。
- She' s a cut above the rest ( of her colleagues ). 她比其他(共事的)人略胜一筹.
- I thought I was a cut above the other kids. 我以为自己高人一等。
- Their team are a cut above the rest of the league. 他们的队伍比联盟里其他队伍高出一筹。
- This model is a cut above the rest. 这个样式比其他的要高出一筹。
- She's a cut above the rest(of her colleagues). 她比其他(共事的)人略胜一筹.
- Her work is a cut above that of the others. 她干的工作比别人要好些。
- A cut above the average 高于一般的程度
- I think that you consider yourself a cut above the company. 我觉得你有点拒人于千里之外。
- Tom's work at school is above the average. 汤姆的功课是中上等水平。
- The new leader of the trade union is certainly a cut above the rest. 工会的新领导确是一个比别人高明的人。
- The rice crop this year is15 percent above the average. 今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。
- The portion of a cut gem above the girdle. 宝面露在镶嵌底板上面的那部分已雕琢过的宝石
- I prefe chateau-bottled wines because they're nearly always a cut above the rest. 我喜欢由葡萄种植园酿制装瓶的酒,因为它们几乎总是优于其他酒。
- Armourers are considered a cut above the common smiths, and highly prized by lords. 能够打造铠甲的铁匠比一般铁匠地位要高,并会受到领主的奖赏。
- The readings on my thermometer last month were well above the average. 我的温度计上个月的读数远远超过平均温度。
- This dark chocolate contains 70% cocoa solids. It's a cut above ordinary chocolate. Our new luxury apartments are a cut above the rest. 这种黑巧克力含有70%25的固体可可成份。是一种比普通巧克力更好的饮料。我们的新豪华公寓是同类中最好的。
- When it comes to the airport experience, terminals in Asia are a cut above the rest, according to a recent independent survey of air passengers. 最近对飞机乘客进行的一次独立调查结果表明,就机场体验而言,亚洲的机场高于其他地区的水平。