- A charge for the use of a quay. 码头费使用码头的费用
- A toll is charged for the use of the expressway. 在那条高速公路上行驶需付通行费。
- A toll paid for the use of a lock. 水闸通行税为使用一个水闸而交的费用
- We do not charge for the use of the health club. 进健身房不收费。
- Do they charge for the use of the telephone? 打电话收不收费?
- Expense per mile,as for the use of a car. 每英里的费用,用于汽车
- There's no charge for the use of your passcard. 使用自动取款卡不用付手续费。
- Charges for the use of technology are reasonable. 收取使用技术费是合情合理的。
- Do you charge for the use of the office telephone at off-duty time? 下班时间打办公电话你们收不收费?
- Unresolved contention for the use of a resource. 为使用同一资源而产生的无法解决的争用状态。
- a charge for the use of the telephone 使用电话的费用
- Expense per mile, as for the use of a car. 每英里的费用,用于汽车
- The rate of interest charged for the use of federal funds. 指使用联邦基金付出的利息率。
- Charged for the use of the port by the ship and its cargo. 港务费,入港税指对船舶及其货物使用港口收取的费用。
- Harold: How much would you charge for the use of the MPX technology? 哈洛德:MPX这项技术的使用权您打算索价多少呢?
- A playground is for the use of children. 游戏场是供孩子们使用的。
- I am answerable to the company for the use of this equipment. 我要向公司承担使用这一设备的责任。
- A charge for public conveyance; fare. 运费公共运输费用; 车费
- Finally, ladies and gentlemen, I am sure you will all agree that we owe a debt of gratitude to the Brown's Company for the use of their fine Hall. 最后,先生们,女士们,我肯定你们都造成我们欠了布朗公司的情,因为他们把这么好的大厅让给我们使用。
- There is a charge for the repair, so will it be all right? 我们要收修理费用,可以吗?