- A characteristic French trait. 法国风格具有法语特色
- A characteristic feature of Attic Greek. 雅典式的习语,文体,风格等古希腊雅典个性风格
- A characteristic way or mode of expression. 用语,说法具有特点的方法或方式的表达
- Ambition is a characteristic of all successful businessmen. 雄心勃勃是所有成功生意人的共同特点。
- Dismay is not a characteristic mood with him. 沮丧并不是他的主要情绪。
- A characteristic or trait traditionally held to be female. 通常女人具有的特性或天性
- It seems that they speak a characteristic language. 他们似乎说一种独具一格的语言。
- Harriman set to work in a characteristic style. 哈里曼以自己特有的风格开始工作。
- A characteristic arrangement of flowers on a stem. 开花花在茎上的典型分布
- Security is a measurement, not a characteristic. 安全是一种量度,而不是一种特征。
- Lignin is a characteristic component of secondary walls. 木质素是次生壁成份的特征。
- Exclusiveness is a characteristic of recent riches, high society, and the skunk. 排他主义,是为了近来的有钱人家、上流阶级以及臭鼬等的特色。
- A characteristic trait or peculiarity, especially one serving to define or describe its possessor. 特性,属性特性或不同之处,尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性
- But this is a characteristic of all fields of science. 可以说,这是所有科学领域的特征。
- A characteristic trait or peculiarity,especially one serving to define or describe its possessor. 特性,属性特性或不同之处,尤指用来定义或描写其占有者的特性。
- With characteristic French courtesy one of the French officers turned to Rostov, as he sat in stubborn silence, and said to him that he had probably come to Tilsit to see the Emperor. 一个法国人流露出法国人常有的毕恭毕敬的样子,把脸转向保持沉默的罗斯托夫,同他搭话,说他来到蒂尔西特大概是要觐见皇帝的。
- She ordered a hamburger and French fries. 她叫了一客汉堡包和炸薯条。
- A paper made on wire molds that give it a characteristic watermark of close thin lines. 直纹纸在铜网上压出的、带有密而细的水纹印的纸张
- Last, I tasted the characteristically French Smoked Salmon on Toast with creme fraiche mousse and dill, its rich flavor perfectly complimenting the other appetizers. 最后,我们尝了具有代表性的烟熏三文鱼烤土司配上鲜奶慕斯和莳萝,醇厚的口味完美地诠释了店里所有的前菜。
- The gallery has a show of French oil painting. 这个美术馆在展出法国油画。