- A cavalry lancer. 长矛轻骑兵
- His son is a soldier in a cavalry regiment. 他的儿子是骑兵团的一名战士。
- The battle began with a cavalry charge. 战争以骑兵的冲锋开始了。
- A cavalry lancer 长矛轻骑兵
- A horse trained for battle;a cavalry horse. 战马训练来作战的马;骑兵的坐骑
- A horse trained for battle; a cavalry horse. 战马训练来作战的马;骑兵的坐骑
- A cavalry captured in the war, unfortunately. 一个骑兵在作战中不幸被俘。
- I started a cavalry lieutenant and a private on his track at once. 我马上派一个骑兵中尉和一个士兵去追他。
- A cavalryman always takes good care of his horse. 骑兵总是很爱护他的战马。
- A cavalryman armed with a lance. 武装有长矛的骑兵
- I was a cornet in a cavalry regiment when I first met my little darling. 我第一次遇到我的小心肝时,我是骑兵团的一个旗手。
- Theoreticians argued infantry could defeat a cavalry charge by firepower alone. 军事理论家倾向于步兵应该使用远程火力阻挡骑兵的冲锋。
- Its hard to lead a cavalry charge ifyou think you look funny on a horse. 假如你觉得自己坐在马上样子古怪,就很难领导骑兵冲锋陷阵。
- Polish patriot and general who aided American forces in the Revolutionary War, commanding the defense of Charleston(1779) and leading a cavalry brigade in the siege of Savannah, during which he was mortally wounded. 普瓦斯基,卡齐米尔1747-1779波兰爱国主义者和将军,在美国独立战争中曾支持美军,指挥了查理斯顿防御战(1779年)并在萨瓦纳之围时率领一个骑兵旅,在这场战斗中受重伤而牺牲
- Erect as a cavalry officer, tall, thin, commanding, he dominated the crowd in an instant. 他身材笔直,象个骑兵军官,个子又高又瘦,相貌堂堂,顿时控制住了这群人。
- Born in Madagascar in 1913, Simon was the son of a cavalry officer killed in World War One. 1913年西蒙出生于马达加斯加,他的父亲是一名骑兵军官,一战时战死,西蒙由母亲抚养大,住在法国南部城市佩皮尼昂。
- Hussars: Fast-moving light cavalry divisions, Hussars give a high morale boost and a modest speed bonus to a cavalry division. 轻骑兵旅:快速移动的轻骑兵师,轻骑兵旅有较高的士气加成和一些速度奖励。
- I am a soldier of the fourth cavalry. 我是第四骑兵部队的一员。
- It was a cavalry general who had won the Emperor's special favour during this campaign, and had formerly been in command of the division in which Rostov was serving. 这是个骑兵将军,在这次战役中得到国王的特殊宠信,罗斯托夫过去在他的师部里服役时,他是个师长。
- A cavalry horse. 骑兵马