- A bulky and superior motorcade 庞大精良的豪华车队
- A bulky parcel from China has arrived. 从中国来的大包裹已经到了。
- Consequently, the first chip-trap proposal, put forward by a group at the California Institute of Technology in 1995, involved cooling the entire chip to near absolute zero using a bulky and expensive liquid-helium refrigerator. 所以,1995年加州理工学院的一个小组首度提出晶片阱的构想,需要用庞大且昂贵的液态氦冷冻机,将整个晶片冷却到接近绝对零度。
- Should have a broad head with a bulky muzzle. 应该拥有一个宽大的头版,肌肉发达。
- Many agricultural commodities are bulky and highly perishable. 许多农产品量大而又极易腐败。
- Popeye maintains an aloof and superior attitude to the court. 波普叶对法庭保持一种冷淡、傲慢的态度。
- He was, as they saw it, part of the rich and superior class. 在他们看来,他属于有钱、有地位的阶级的一分子。
- Such materials are bulky and expensive both to transport and to apply. 这种物质既数量大,又在运输和应用上费用昂贵。
- Mr. Sharp was the first master, and superior to Mr. Mell. 夏浦先生是一等老师,比麦尔先生高一级。
- Reserved, others thought they were insular and superior. 由此可知,人们对英国人的看法是有分歧的。
- Their assets are highly skilled manpower and superior technical expertise. 他们的财产是高度熟练的人力与高科技经验。
- City will bulkiness and crowd extremely. 城市将会庞大拥挤不堪。
- When I opened my eyes, before me was a bulky form covered by a gray blanket. 睁眼看时,放在我面前的是被一条灰色毯子盖着的庞然大物。
- Hollowcore concrete is bulky and comes from only a few regional sites. 中空混凝土是庞大的并且只来自一些地区场所。
- The original sight was bulky and prone to mechanical issues, he said. 原来的视线是笨重的,很容易受机械的问题,他说。
- His superior put in a word for him justly and he got the job. 他的上级为他说了句公正的话,他得到了那份工作。
- In the street a motorcade was passing. 一长列汽车从街头驰过。
- It is a fact of life and you must face it. 这是严酷的现实,你必须面对它。
- Directional Antennae allows the DSAS to reduce background and wind noise without the need for a bulky parabolic dish. 定向天线,让员,以减少背景与风噪声,而不需要为笨重,抛碟。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。