- A body of the enemy hung upon their rear. 一伙敌人紧紧地跟在他们的后面。
- A strike is a mass refusal to work by a body of employee. 罢工就是大量雇员集体拒绝工作。
- A body of people selected or conscripted. 被选出或征召服役的一群人
- A body of photographs. 一组照片
- A body of unwritten religious precepts. 教义一整套非书面的宗教概念
- Land bordering a body of water; a bank or shore. 水滨,水边水体边缘的土地; 堤岸
- A body of water such as a sea, lake, river, or stream. 水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水
- A body of experts or dignitaries sent to a foreign country. 代表团由一群专家或要员组成的被派往它国的团体
- A body of writings in prose or verse. 文学用散文体或韵文体所写的文字
- The margin of land bordering a body of water. (河、池等的)边沿与水体毗连的陆地的边缘
- To instruct in a body of doctrine or principles. 传授以教条或信条的方式来教授、教导
- The floor of a body of water, especially the sea. 底,海底水体,尤其是海洋的底部
- To cross a body of water on or as if on a ferry. 摆渡乘或好象乘渡船跨过水体
- To cross(a body of water) by a ferry. 乘渡船渡过(水体)
- A body of clerics living together on an endowment. 长老院靠基金生活在一起的教士团
- A body of singers who perform choral compositions. 合唱团演唱合唱作品的歌手团体
- The bottom of a body of water,such as a stream. 河床水域的底部,如河流的底部
- The floor of a body of water,especially the sea. 底,海底水体,尤其是海洋的底部。
- Is your facility on or adjacent to a body of water? 您的工厂是否处于或者靠近水源?
- A body of water controlled by such a barrier. 由水坝或堰控制的水。