- The boy is playing a black and white football. 这个男孩正在踢黑白相间的足球。
- Which is more expensive,a black and white tv or a colour one? 哪个贵些,是黑白电视机还是彩色电视机?
- I'm sorry, but I can't give you a black and white answer. 兑对不起,我无法给你明确的答复。
- There is a black and white television set in my family. 我家有一台黑白电视机。
- Which is more expensive, a black and white tv or a colour one? 哪个贵些,是黑白电视机还是彩色电视机?
- I have two pets _ a white rabbit and a black and white dog. 我有两只宠物,它们是白色的兔子和黑白双色的狗。
- I was terrified to realize that a huge, black and white cow with big horns was barring our way and ruminating peacefully, it was staring into the car through the open window. 这时我惊恐万分地看到有一头长着大角、黑白相间、身形庞大的奶牛挡住了我们的去路,它十分安详地反刍着。
- Black and white show a striking contrast. 黑和白形成明显的对比。
- I changed my black and white television for a colour set. 我把黑白电视换了一台彩色的。
- The view was great. Everything was green and full of black and white cows with big bells around their necks. 景色美极了,满眼都是绿色,随处可见脖子上系着大铃铛的奶牛。
- The rent of a color set is more than twice that of a black and white set. 彩色电视机的租金是黑白电视机的租金的两倍多。
- Mei: 6)Accompanied by a 7)risotto in a black and white truffle cream sauce. 玫:再搭配义式炖饭淋黑白松露奶油酱。
- I have a black and a white cat in my house. 我养了一只黑猫和一只白猫。
- He was wearing a black blazer and white Nikes. 他穿一件黑色运动夹克,脚蹬白色耐克鞋。
- He raises a black and a white cat. 他养了一只黑猫和一只白猫。
- Is the film in colour or black and white? 这胶卷是彩色的还是黑白的?
- Most old films were made in black and white. 多数旧电影片都是黑白的。
- The film was shot in black and white. 这部电影拍成了黑白片。
- A piano has black and white keys. 钢琴上有黑白键。
- At the slightest breeze the blinds gently swayed, and this filigree of shadows rippled over the chairs and tables in a black and white fantasy. 稍微有点风,竹帘轻轻地摆动,那条纹似的光影也像水浪一般在室内的家具上动荡,幻成了新奇的黑白图案。