- A Walk around the Lower World 黄泉路上走来回
- Shall we take a walk around the pond? 我们沿着池塘散散步怎么样?
- She took the dog for a walk around the block. 她带着狗绕街区散步。
- Let's have a walk around the playground after supper. 晚饭后,让我们围着操场散步吧!
- I think I' d better take a walk around the block and shake dinner down. 我想我最好绕着街区散步,消化腹中之食。
- Time permitting, we can have a walk around the playground after supper. 如果时间允许,晚饭后我们可以到操场上散散步。
- Take a brisk walk around the block. 绕着这个街区轻快走一圈。
- I've been sitting at this desk for five hours. I think I'll go for a walk around the block to blow the cobwebs away. 我已在这张办桌旁边续坐了5个小时,我想在街区散散步,使头脑清醒一下。
- It doesn't have to be in front of everyone else,take a walk around the building with him or her. 不必带到每个人前面,带着他或她绕着大楼走走。
- After their lunch, Kathy and Evan decide to take a walk around the pond and through the woods. 午餐后,凯西和艾凡决定沿着池塘及穿过森林散步。
- It doesn't have to be in front of everyone else, take a walk around the building with him or her. 你可以在和他们散步的过程中自然问起而无须当着众人的面;
- Those with serious wanderlust will even take a walk around the neighborhood with it. 参与者可以烧毁用易燃材料制成的政治家肖像。
- Take a walk around the block -- in the rain, sleet or sun -- while wearing the Timberland 3-Eye Boat Shoe. 天伯伦)公司的信条是,以卓越的创造,设计出全世界最具创新的产品。这家成立于1918年的美国波士顿的公司创业初期是一家专业制鞋公司。
- A walk around Kitzbuhel is a feast for eyes. 在基茨比厄尔散散步能够使你一饱眼福。
- We walked around the beach barefoot. 我们赤着脚在海滩上走来走去。
- Key West - Frank takes a walk around the bustling Key West and then takes a gaff-rigged schooner to capture a beautiful sunset. 美国日出-一幅壮观的美国日出是弗兰克注重的焦点;缅因州的秋天-爱上缅因州-引人入胜的美国缅因州秋天的色彩;
- We spied a stranger walking around the corner. 我们发现一位陌生人在拐角处走路。
- Another long day in the Northern Territory sees us in Kings Canyon National Park at 5am for a walk around the top led by our guide in Australia, Mark Raine. 在北领地又渡过了漫长的一天。清晨5点,澳洲导游麦克.;莱恩就带领我们在国王峡谷国家公园山顶附近徒步。
- If the country enters world trade, consumers will gain since they now can buy steel products at the lower world price. 如果这个国家参与世界贸易,消费者将得到好处,因为他们现在可以接较低的世界市场价格购买钢材。
- If the country enters world trade,consumers will gain since they now can buy steel products at the lower world price. 如果这个国家参与世界贸易,消费者将得到好处,因为他们现在可以接较低的世界市场价格购买钢材。