- A Textual Research into Tattoo 文身新说
- In this paper, the author, in line with making full use of the historical records, makes a textual research into the printing academies' history and its crafts of the famous Tibetan Buddhist temples. 摘要本文借助于史籍,对我国著名藏传佛教寺院印书院的历史及其工艺作了简要考述。
- A Textual Research into Xiping Pavilion 西平亭考辨
- He is making a textual research on this problem. 他在对这个问题进行考证。
- A Textual Research into Huiri Festival in the First Lunar Month 正月晦日节考
- A Textual Research into Life of King of Northern Liang-Duan Ye 北凉王段业事迹考述
- A Textual Research into "Huo Huo Tu Meng An" and "Bei Ye Shah Mou Ke" "活活土猛安"与"背也山谋克"小考
- A Textual Research into the Primitive Ancestry and Chiefdom of Ba People 巴人始祖、方国考辨
- A Textual Research into the Figure of Brick Relief on the Xujiazai of Huangzhong County 湟中徐家寨画像砖人物考释
- A Textual Research into the Source of "Marxist Standpoint, Viewpoint and Method" "马克思主义立场、观点、方法"源流考
- A Textual Research into the Various Pronunciation of "Wo" in the Dialects of Qinghai 青海方言中"我"字诸音考辨
- This paper mainly makes a textual research into the original stiles, ink marks and inscriptions it flu Yizun's poetry, including: Firstly, the original story for Reminiscence of the West; 摘要该文主要考证朱彝尊若干诗文作品背后的本事和外在的手书墨迹、碑刻。
- Niudaer is the soul of the Tu nationality clothing. This paper discloses the connotation of its historical culture thruge the textual research into the Niudaer of the Tus. 摘要土族扭达儿是土族服饰的灵魂。文章通过对扭达儿的考述,揭示其潜在的历史文化内涵。
- This thesis makes a textual research on the edition, the number of volume, the content and the value of three kinds of works of Wu Yifeng. 吴翌凤一生著述宏富,本文对其中三种不同品类的著作版本、卷数、内容、价值等加以论考。
- A textual research on the truth and forgery of Sanqu of the Yuan Dynasty in Nantao and Nanbeihetao is significant to influence our understanding of the history of Sanqu directly. 摘要考辨现存元代南曲散套和南北合套之真伪,将直接影响我们对于散曲历史发展阶段的基本认识,意义重大。
- Though it was an abridged edition,due to altitudmal art characteristic, it actually determined the main trend of development of the Textual Research into A Journey to the West in the Qing dynasty. 它虽是一部节本,但由于其高度的艺术独特性,居然实际上决定了清代《西游记》文本发展的主潮流。
- This paper is a textual research on the general situation of ancient salt path of Sichuan- Yunnan and Sichuan- Guizhou and an analysis of their tour investment value and favorable condition. 本文考证了川滇、黔古盐道概况,分析了川滇、黔古盐道旅游开发价值和开发的有利条件。
- In the past 250 yeas , many scholars(at least fifty)in history, numismatics and lexicology quoted an item of flimsy historical material recorded in Ma's Wen Xian Tong Kao(A Textual Research of Documents),a kind of important literature of history. 在过去的250年里,许多历史学、钱币学、辞书家领域的学者(至少有50位)援引了史学要籍马氏《文献通考》中的所载一则不可靠的史料。
- Question2: why do you think youngsters will be into tattoo? 问题2:你觉得为什么年轻人会喜欢文身呢?
- This article started with a textual research of the amount of war horse in Qing dynasty, and main discussed the historical changes from three angles, just as establishment for cavalry troop, livestock farm management, and the horse administration. 本文从清代战马数量考释入手,探讨了清朝经制军队的马队建制、牧场建设及清代马政在嘉道以降的废弛情况。