- A Quick Way to Bulk Import 批量数据快速导入数据库的实现
- Urinating in a wetsuit is a quick way to warm up. 在防寒衣里尿尿是让身体变暖和的最快方法。
- I wish I knew a quick way to get my hands on a little lettuce. 我要是知道用什么简便方法能弄到钱,那该多好!
- A page banner is a quick way to add titles to your Web pages. 网页横幅可以快速地为Web页添加标题。
- The XML API provides a way to bulk load XML data. XML API提供了一种大容量加载XML数据的方法。
- Call it a quick way to find a match, in the business world, that is. 在商界,“快速配对”也就是所谓的“快速面试”。
- Isaac Asimov suggested a quick way to identify a chemist or a non-chemist. 以撒.阿西莫夫提出一个快捷的方法来区分化学家和非化学家。
- Shortcut keys are keystrokes that provide a quick way to perform an action. 快捷键是为执行某操作提供便捷方式的按键。
- There's a quick way to schedule a recurring reminder in Outlook that doesn't block any time on your calendar. 在Outlook中可快速安排定期提醒而不会妨碍日历上的任何时间。
- Many companies seem to want to make nearly everything but the kitchen sink, and that is a quick way to lose money. 许多公司似乎什么都想生产,就是这样钱才亏得快。
- Chinese companies seem to want to make nearly everything but the kitchen sink -and that is a quick way to lose money. 许多中国公司似乎什麼都想生产-就是这样钱才亏得快。
- What's a quick way to see all of the files and folders in your Web site, while staying in Page view? 要在“网页”视图中查看网站中的所有文件和文件夹,比较快的方式是什么?
- The user wants to bulk import data into the t_float table. 用户要将数据大容量导入t_float表中。
- Abruzzi: There's a quicker way to take care of your problem. 处理问题有更直接的方式。
- The Language bar provides a quick way to change the input language or keyboard layout from your desktop. 语言栏提供了从桌面快速更改输入语言或键盘布局的方法。
- The so-called F9 Menu provides a quick way to access a set of frequently-used K4000RC Viewer functions. 所谓的F9菜单提供了一种快捷方法,用来访问一组常用的K4000RC浏览器函数。
- The quickest way to sew is with a sewing machine. 最快的缝纫办法是用缝纫机。
- Double-clicking a publishing page is a quick way to find and open the page layout that the publishing page is attached to. 双击发布网页可以快速地找到并打开该发布网页所附加到的网页布局。
- If you use a particular character or symbol often, you can set up a quick way to add it by using a keyboard shortcut or an AutoCorrect entry. 如果您经常使用某个特定字符或符号,可以通过使用键盘快捷键或自动更正项设置一种添加该字符或符号的快捷方法。
- To work around this behavior in SQL Server 2005, use a format file to bulk import scientific notation float data into a decimal column. 若要在SQL Server 2005中实现此行为,请使用格式化文件将科学记数法float数据大容量导入小数列中。