- A Heavy Burden of Medical Care 沉重的医疗负担
- She shouldered a heavy burden of teaching and supervision, now reflected in the growing achievements of a brilliant galaxy of pupils. 她过去曾肩负着教学与监督的重任,现在这效果在一群优秀的学生的日益增长的成就中反映出来。
- Her father carried a heavy burden of responsibility. 她父亲肩负着重大责任。
- Some countries are struggling to overcome a heavy burden of poverty. 一些国家在努力克服贫困的沉重负担。
- Sadly many people with modest earnings do have a heavy burden of personal debt. 很不幸的是,许多具有中等收入的人确实负债累累。
- The old man bent with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重负而弯腰。
- To bear the burden of a heavy heart. 双膝仿佛负担不了沉重的心房;
- He was but a man with many grey hairs, with a heavy burden of responsibility, of thoughts and worries. 他已是长了许多灰发、肩负重任、心中充满思考和忧虑的人。他已是鬓发斑白,肩负重任,思绪万千,焦虑满怀。
- She shouldered a heavy burden of teaching and supervision,now reflected in the growing achievements of a brilliant galaxy of pupils. 她过去曾肩负着教学与监督的重任,现在这效果在一群优秀的学生的日益增长的成就中反映出来。
- Timely rendition of medical care saved his life. 由于对他进行了及时治疗, 他的性命保住了。
- But if they keep spending heedlessly, they will saddle the economy with a heavy burden of public debt which may crowd out private investment. 但是如果他们始终随意地投资,他们将会给经济带来严重的公债压力,这些负担可能会挤出私人投资资金。
- The cost of medical care is stupefyingly high. 医疗费用高得令人惊愕不已。
- The heaviest burden of life is not working but idleness. Busy work makes brisk steps; idleness makes a heavy heart. 生活最沉重的负担,不是工作,而是无聊。工作繁重,脚步却轻松;无所事事,心有千斤重。
- The old man bends with a heavy burden on his back. 老人因背著重负而弯腰。
- The cost of medical care is out of sight. 医疗费用太昂贵了。
- A donkey can carry a heavy burden. 驴子能负重载。
- His shoulders can bear a heavy burden. 他的双肩能负重。
- We must now cast a heavy burden on women. 我们这时必须把沉重的负担加在妇女的身上。
- In developing cooperative partnerships with cultural enterprises, governments must bear a heavy burden of responsibility for pressing forward systematization of their commercial operations. 在其发展与文化产业的合作关系过程中,政府必须担负起促进文化产业企业化的重任。
- For a Frenchman, a German or an Englishman friendship is usually more special and carries a heavier burden of commitment. 对于法国人、德国人或是英国人来说,友谊一般包含更为特殊的内容,承担更多的义务。