- A CW DCN waveguide laser 连续的DCN波导激光器
- Our experimental study has shown the feasibility of THz high-power CW discharge-pumped DCN waveguide laser with new mixture gas:N_2,CD_4 and D_2.The beam profile is found to be qualitatively Gaussian in the far-field(z>4m). 研究表明,利用新的N2,CD4和D2混合气体的太赫兹DCN激光器可以得到稳定连续的高功率放电。
- Abstract: Experimental study of 1. 54 THz laser imaging and transmission property were studied by using a CW THz waveguide discharge-pumped high-power DCN laser system operating on 1.54 THz. 1.54THz激光成像实验与物质穿透特性,用1.54THz的波导型辉光放电激励的大功率连续波氰化氘(DCN)激光系统,进行了1.54THz激光成像实验研究和多种物质的穿透特性研究。
- A setup for measuring beam quality of a CW HF (DF) chemical laser with an unstable cavity is described. 描述了测量连续波HF(DF)化学激光光束质量的装置。
- Experimental results are presented that demonstrate instibilities in a cw homogeneously broadened ring dye laser. 本文介绍了研究连续波环形染料激光器不稳定性的实验结果。
- Experiments are performed using a CW tunable CO2 laser and SF6 gas as nonlinear medium. 使用可调谐连续波CO_2激光器和SF_6气体作非线性介质作了实验研究.
- The rotational nonequilibrium phenomenon in a CW DF chemical laser was experimentally studied. 在连续波DF化学激光实验中研究了转动非平衡现象。
- This paper is the first to report the plasma characteris tics of CO_2 waveguide laser. 本文首次报导了CO_2波导激光器的等离子体特性。
- An experimental study on the mode-competition of a cw diode pumped Yb 3+-doped double clad fiber laser is preosented. 对连续波LD泵浦掺Yb3 +双包层光纤激光器的模式竞争进行了实验研究 .
- RF Excited Diffusively Cooled Kilowatts Carbon Monoxide Slab Waveguide Laser[J]. 引用该论文 辛建国;张旺;焦文涛.
- These results are used to discuss the optimizing design of a CW laser seeded multistage dye laser amplifier. 最后利用这些结果,对连续激光的多级染料放大系统的优化设计进行了讨论。
- Properties of Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) of the phosphate glass waveguide laser pumped by LD at 980nm are also studied in detail. 利用数值分析的方法模拟了980nm二极管激光器抽运时激光器的放大自发辐射(ASE)特性。
- In this study, an argon laser pumped dye laser system was used to give a CW laser beam at 630 nm which was split and coupled into three optical fibers. 本研究采用氩激光泵浦染料激光器系统,获得630nm波长的连续波治疗光。
- The opto-galvanic effect (OGE) of CO2 waveguide laser, and CO2 waveguide laser stabilized by OGE and tuned by the compound cavity were investigated. 研究了CO2波导激光器光电流效应及光电流稳频、复合腔调频的CO2波导激光器系统。
- For a CW Ti: sapphire rins laser without optical diode, there are two output beams corresponding to two oppositely traveling waves in the cavity. 在连续钛宝石环形激光腔中,无光学单向器时存在相向传播的两束光波,有两个对应的输出光束。
- The experimental study on the CW DCN laser stimulated by glow discharge direct current 直流辉光放电激励连续DCN激光器的实验研究
- In this paper,formation process of SRS (Stimulated Raman Scattering) spectra is studied schematically in single-mode silica fiber pumped by a CW fiber laser. 利用连续光纤激光器为泵浦源 ,对单模石英光纤中的受激喇曼散射进行了实验研究 在较低功率泵浦下 ,观察到由自发喇曼散射向受激喇曼散射演化的过程中 ,光谱不断变窄 ;
- Compared with the pulsed CRDS approach, the CW-CRDS technique is simple, low-cost and highly precise due to the use of a CW diode laser with high beam quality. 与脉冲激光光腔衰荡法相比,采用连续半导体激光器作光源,大大降低了成本,且由于光束质量高,更有利于提高测量精度。
- There is a vein of melancholy in his character. 他的性格中有少许忧郁的气质。