- A boundless prairie is before us. 眼前是一望无垠的草原。
- To have a boundless supply;be superabundant. 充满,洋溢源源不断地供应;洋溢,充满
- A Boundless wilderness 广漠之野
- To have a boundless supply; be superabundant. 充满,洋溢源源不断地供应;洋溢,充满
- Before me is a boundless stretch of green fields. 绿色的田野,望不到边际。
- Fields, green a boundless hope, as if the green wave. That of wild golden yellow flowers, of the Green Flash. 田野上,麦苗返青,一望无边,仿佛绿色的波浪。那金黄色的野菜花,在绿波中闪光。
- They cleaved a path through the wilderness. 他们在荒原中开辟出一条路。
- He looked ahead and saw a boundless stretch of grassland. 他放眼望去,只见一望无际的大草原。
- My heart is filled with love, which is a boundless wealth. 爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。
- You have a boundless extent of fertile and unoccupied land. 你们拥有无边无际、肥沃而空旷的土地。
- TGG has created a boundless career stage for all excellent persons. 唐齿集团为广大优秀人才创造了纵横驰骋、施展才华的广阔事业平台。
- I loved you, helplessly, with a boundless tongue-tied love. 无助中,我爱过您,那是无边无际无言无语的爱。
- My heart is filled with love ,which is a boundless wealth. 第五篇章爱情充溢在我的心里,我无法估计自己享有的财富。
- And then shall I come to you, a boundless drop to a boundless ocean. 然后我便奔向你,有如一滴无痕的水珠落入一片无垠的大海。
- The runner went to second base on a wild pitch. 一记瞎设让跑垒员跑上了第二垒。
- A boundless expanse of snow stretched out as far as the eye could see. 四野都是一眼望不到头的漫漫白雪。
- In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose. 打猎时他射下一只大大雁。
- That man ran at John like a wild thing. 那人像只野兽一般向约翰扑过来。
- Below Sanjiadian was a boundless plain, across which a high dike stretched to the horizon. 三家店下游的平原一望无际,高高的河堤远远伸向天尽头。
- There was a wild spark in his eyes. 他的两眼炯炯发光。