- A champion show dog. 得一等奖的参展狗
- a champion show dog; a prizewinning wine. 冠军表演者;庆功酒。
- The dog was a champion through and through. 那条狗是个十足的斗士。
- It's a civic pride to have a champion. 拥有世界冠军是我们每个公民的骄傲。
- Every absurdity have a champion to defend it. 任何谬论都拥有拥护它的斗士。
- A dog must be a champion to enter Westminster. 只有获得过冠军的犬才能加入西敏寺。
- He is a champion at writing familiar essays. 他是写小品文的好手。
- He's shown enough class for a champion chess player. 他展现了一流西洋棋士的卓越技艺。
- The leader of a cause; a champion. 领导者一项事业的领导; 拥护者
- "This poodle was the number-one top show dog. "这只小狗是顶尖的表演狗。
- He became a champion at last in virtue of his perseverance. 凭着坚韧不拔的精神,他终于成为冠军。
- Her new show dog swept all championships. 他的新狗在比赛中大获全胜。
- This poodle was the number-one top show dog. 这只小狗是顶尖的表演狗。
- A champion is always a fair mark. 出类拔萃者一向是众矢之的。
- He is a champion of equal opportunity for all race. 他是一个为各种族机会均等而奋斗的人。
- Still, Johnny had presented himself as a champion. 约翰尼仍然声称自己是勇士。
- He gained the character of a champion. 他获得了夺标者的美名。
- Can Susan go round again without a mistake and become the champion show jumper? 苏姗能再次准确无误地完成表演,取得冠军吗?
- The poise and bearing of a champion. 冠军泰然自若的风度
- But I know I'm a champion,and God knows that too. 但是我知道我是一名冠军,上帝也知道。