- Abel was a shepherd and Cain a tiller of the soil. 亚伯是个牧人,该隐则是个耕田人。
- Barbary whistled a Ronssllon fisherman 's song . 巴伯里用口哨吹一支罗士兰渔民歌曲。
- The poor boy was hired as a shepherd when he was only ten. 这个贫穷的小男孩在他十岁的时候就被雇为羊倌。
- A shepherd is a tender of sheep. 牧羊人是看守羊的人。
- A shepherd who cannot read will known more about sheep than the wisest bookworm. 一个不识字的放羊娃在有关羊的知识方面比饱读诗书的人所懂得要多得多。
- I be much hooked on elvis - presley 's song . 我对猫王的歌曲非常着迷。
- Without a shepherd, sheep are not a flock. 勤工出巧匠。
- Was a shepherd and looked after animals. 他是一个牧羊人并且负责照顾各种动物.
- Shall we despise the skylark\'s song? (生活虽然艰辛,但不可轻视理想和希望。)
- There a shepherd was tending his flock. 一个牧羊人在那照顾他的羊?。
- Merry: A tree herder. A shepherd of the forest. 牧树者。森林的守护者。
- Before long he met a shepherd called Jethro. 不久以后他遇到了牧羊人叶忒罗。
- A pastor of a church is a shepherd of his flock. 教堂的牧师就是对民众进行布教的人。
- A shepherd rode past us, ahead of a sea of sheep. 一个羊倌骑着羊,领着一大群羊从我们身边经过。
- Among the tombs, Pan spotted a goat that a shepherd had forgotten. 在那些坟墓中,潘看到了一只羊,肯定是被牧羊人遗忘在那的。
- Michael Jackson’s songs turn me on. 麦克尔杰克逊的歌让我着魔。
- Thank you for sharing.Like this song a lot.This song is different from the past KATTUN's song. 这首歌很有小田和正的风格乍听之下就有这种感觉后来片尾看到作者是他真是一点也不意外啊,哈哈感谢分享!
- I love Enrique Iglesias 's song so much . it's good to up more his song.especially this song is moving to me. make it all. 这首西班牙歌我是无意中听到,觉得音乐超纯,非常好听,特别是在夜深时听,会让心灵有一种宁静的感觉.希望你们喜欢听!
- He disguised himself as a shepherd driving his sheep to market. 他乔装成牧羊人,赶着羊群到市集去。
- Reaching the valley floor, we only see green vine, blue sky, great deliverance, fountain’s ting-tong, bird’s song and flower’s flagrance. 行到谷底,只见两侧青藤翠蔓,碧绿参天,峰回路转,泉水叮咚,鸟语花香。