- A fee or commission paid to a broker. 佣金付给中间人的手续费
- I do not regard a broker as a member of the human race. 我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。
- The cost of stocks purchases not only the amount paid to the seller but also other costs related to the purchase, such as broker' s commission and postage charges for delivery. 购买股票的成本不仅包括支付给卖方的金额,而且还包括其他相关成本,如经纪人佣金和邮寄费用等。
- Whoinvests all your money called a broker? 为什么帮你管理你的所有投资的人叫做。
- Conceptual marketing - not a broker or buyer! 概念营销-并非中介或买方!
- Did she charge you a broker's fee? 她收你中介费了吗?
- I took out a tight wad of dividend warrants ringed with a rubber band, and the records in the wad would have gladdened the heart of a broker. 我拿出一迭用橡皮筋扎紧的股息单,记在这迭单子上的数字原本会使一个经纪人非常开心的。
- A broker will advise you on how to invest your money. 经纪人将和你商量怎样投资。
- They had transacted business by the agency of a broker. 他们通过中间人做交易。
- A broker of reasonable size will have access to the whole market. 经纪人的合理的规模将获得整个市场。
- Commission A sum of money or a percentage paid to a broker, agent or salesman for providing services. 佣金支付给经纪人、代理商或销售人员一定比例的服务费。
- The automatic licensing system will be maintained for another year, however, as EU's Commission has a right to reimpose limits until the end of 2008. 自动许可制度将再维持一年,但欧盟委员会有权利对中国再施加限制直到2008年底。
- The fee charged by a broker for execution of a transaction. May be a flat amount or a percentage; usually referred to as a commission. 是经纪商对交易收取的费用。可能是一笔固定的金额或是百分比,通常指的是中介费。
- The station is licensed by the Federal Communication s Commission which polices the public airwaves. For example, the station could be fined if it broadcasts offensive language. 电台需经通过负责公共电视广播的联邦通信委员的许可,如该电台的播放具有攻击性的言论,那它将会被处以罚金。
- I do sot regard a broker as a member of the human race. 我不把经纪人当作是人类的一个成员。
- A factor differs from a broker in that he may sell in his own name. 代理商与经纪人的区别是他可以以自己的名义出售货物。
- The role of a broker in a grid environment can be very important. 在网格环境中,代理的职责非常重要。
- Feng Xiaoting, said: "I do not know, to have a broker for. 冯潇霆说:“这个我不知道,都交给经纪人办理了。
- Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker? 为什么告诉经济人你投入的所有金钱?
- You may find a broker who accepts OCO (one cancels other) orders. 你也许会发现有些经纪人接受这样的订单,一个成交,另一个就自动撤销。