- phase-portrait近似Phase-portrait approximation
- 不完全韵(love, move, phase, race等)imperfect rhyme
- 祖父活到90高龄。His grandfather lived to the ripe old age of ninety.
- 不完全韵(love,move,phase,race等)imperfect rhyme
- 每小时走90英里to go 90 miles an hour
- 我们不需要按下shift键,虽然它才真正表示"control D"。No need to press the Shift-key even though these control characters are referred as "control D" with the upper case.
- 不完全韵(love, move, phase, race 等)imperfect rhyme
- Shift算法Kalman filter
- 每小时90公里ninety kilometers an hour
- 要在您移动形状时保持形状的对齐方式不变,请按住Shift。To keep the alignment of a shape from changing while you move the shape, press SHIFT.
- 史蒂夫·里奇和他的《钢琴相位》(Piano Phase,1967)Steve Reich and His Piano Phase
- 90年代初beginning of the nineties
- Mean-ShiftMean-Shift
- 那棵大原松木值90元。The large pine was worth ninety dollars in the log.
- Phase属性表示参考的检验是状态之中检查还是下一个状态的检查。The Phase property indicates whether the referenced check is an in-state check or a next-state check.
- 达到90高龄to attain the age of ninety
- 艾格雷90Agral 90
- 局灶脂肪变性区呈稍高信号。 梯度回波out- phase T1 加权成像正常肝组织岛呈高信号;On FFE out-phase T 1-weighted images,NTIs were demonstrated as hyperintensity areas and FFIs as hypointensity areas.
- 90高龄the ripe age of ninety
- 二段单纯形法(简称二段法)“TPSM”,它是英语“Two Phase Simplex Method”的字头缩写。TPSM is the abbreviation of the term Two Phase Simplex Method. This paper mainly deals with dissecting of the logical structure of TPSM and the same criteria, It makes further derivation and discussion on economic-mathematical models(EMM).