- 全国城乡现有各种福利院4万个,其中收养残疾人约8万人。Throughout China there are almost 40,000 welfare facilities capable of accommodating about 80,000 handicapped people.
- 普通中学8万所,在校学生5739.7万人,比1990年增长25.2%;there were 80,000 middle schools with a total enrollment of 57.397 million, a jump of 25.2 percent over 1990;
- 到1987年,中国人民解放军的总员额由423.8万人减到323.5万人。By 1987,the 4.238-million-strong PLA had been reduced to 3.235 million.
- 公司往这一计划投入了10.8万美元。The firm put one hundred and eight thousand dollars into this project.
- 他们完成这项工程,用了8万英里的钢索,足以绕地球赤道3圈还多。When they got finished, they had 80 thousand miles of cable, enough to span the earth at its equator three times over
- 总保险金额:美元8万元Total amount insured: US%2480000
- 这也就是说,在这二百多年间,西藏人口仅增加5.8万,基本处于停滞状态。That is to say,the population of Tibet was almost at a standstill for some two hundred years,only slightly rising by 58,000 people.
- 召开集会时,这个新建广场可站下8万多人。The new square stands more than 80,000 people to hold a rally.
- 我们将在8万米高空飞行。We'll be flying at a height of 80000 meters.
- 这本词典共收词8万余条。The dictionary contains over 80,000 entries.
- 这场比赛爆满,吸引了8万名观众。The match attracted a capacity crowd of 80000.
- 怀特一家平均每年挣8万美元。The Whites earn an average of 80 thousand dollars each year.
- 这张照片的预估价在8万美元至12万美元之间。It had been expected to garner between %24US80,000 and %24US120,000.
- 特殊教育学校在校生37.8万人。and 378,000 students in special education schools.
- 他们递交了一份有8万人签名的请愿书。They turned in a petition with 80000 signatures.
- 国家游泳中心:可容纳1.8万人,是游泳项目的主赛场,奥运会后可成为公共运动场所。National Swimming with a seating capacity of 18,000 people, it will be the main venue for swimming competitions. It will serve as a public sports center after the Olympic Games.
- 据资料说,一根头发的直径大约是8万纳米。According to the data, the diameter of hair is about 80,000 nanometers.
- 中国海域已经开发的渔场面积达81.8万平方海里。The fishing grounds that have been developed in China's sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical miles.
- 薄荷面积达2.28万亩,薰衣草面积1.8万亩。The ares of Mentha haplocalyx Briq. In YiLi region are 2.28 ten thousand Mu ,and 1.8 ten thousand Mu of Lavandula angustifolia.
- 中国海域已经开发的渔场面积81.8万平方海里。The fishing grounds that have been developed in China's sea areas cover 818,000 square nautical miles.