- Application of 3D City Virtual System in the Rural Land Authority Investigation 城市3维仿真系统在农村土地权属调查工作中的应用
- 3D city virtual system 城市3维仿真系统
- Enable PAE/NX: Let host system's PAE expose to virtual system. 启用物理地址扩展:使虚拟系统能接触使用物理地址扩展.
- Enable USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller Enable USB 2.0 support to virtual system. 启用USB控制器启用虚拟系统的USB控制器.
- The latter one is much speedier and more efficient, and it can achieve the precision requirement of 3D city reconstruction. 而后者速度快,效率高,且能满足三维城市建模的一般精度要求。
- Function accesses system data (system catalogs or virtual system tables) in the local instance of SQL Server. 函数可以访问SQL Server的本地实例中的系统数据(系统目录或虚拟系统表)。
- Column is derived from a function that accesses data in the system catalogs or virtual system tables of SQL Server. 列是由访问SQL Server的系统目录或虚拟系统表中数据的函数派生的。
- That unites a cluster of computers into a single virtual system to make better use of the resources on the network. 开发,它将很多计算机聚集为一个单一的虚拟系统来更好地利用网络上的资源。
- The presented virtual system can work as a voltmeter, ammeter, signal generator, digital oscilloscope and power supply. 被呈现的虚拟系统能运作如一个转变方向,安培计,信号产生器, 数传示波器和力量补给。
- Indicates whether the function requires access to data stored in the system catalogs or virtual system tables of SQL Server. 指示函数是否需要访问存储在SQL Server的系统目录或虚拟系统表中的数据。
- The realization of cutting slotted pipe with laser in virtual system based on OpenGL with the tool platform of Visual C++6.0 was described. 描述在VisualC++6.;0开发平台上;基于OpenGL的利用激光切割割缝筛管的仿真实现方法。
- The Distributed Virtual Reality (abbreviated as DVR) is a virtual system, which is extensive, networked, and based on computer. 分布式虚拟现实(Distributed Virtual Reality,简称DVR),就是大规模的、网络化的、基于计算机的虚拟系统。
- A multi-buses and concurrent virtual system was setup by the use of component technology,Which was called virtual machine tool (VMT). 虚拟机床加工系统的组件化设计使我们建立了一个多总线的、并行的虚拟系统。
- If the universe were a virtual reality, its creation at the big bang would no longer be paradoxical, as every virtual system must be booted up. 如果世界是虚拟的,它的出现在大爆炸理论中就不会自相矛盾,因为每个虚拟系统都会被输入。
- However, after just one session using the virtual system she began to feel movement in her fingers and the pain began to ease. 然而,只使用了一段时间仿真系统后,她开始觉得手指可以运动,并且疼痛开始减轻了。”
- If you experience this problem, the system alternates between the original system drive and the new virtual system drive letter every time that you restart. 如果出现此问题,每次重新启动时,系统将在原始系统驱动器和新的虚拟系统驱动器号之间交替。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- The paper mainly contains the design of a new foil-like manganin gauge, a DAQ system based on virtual system as well as the autofrettage controlling system. 具体内容包括:新型箔式锰铜超高压传感器的研制,基于虚拟仪器的数据采集系统的设计,自增强控制系统设计等。
- Stevens and DeFanti also persuaded me and a small team of co-workers at Argonne to develop the software that knitted the 17 participating I-WAY sites into a single virtual system. 史蒂文斯与狄方提同时说服我和阿岗的一小组同事合作开发一套软体,可以把参与I-WAY格网的17个地点串连成单一的虚拟系统。
- New York City's Third Avenue is full of gin mills. 纽约市第3大街上小酒吧林立。