- He entered on his inheritance when he was 21. 他21岁时继承了财产。
- The cheque was presented for payment on 21 March. 这张支票是在3月21日兑现的。
- A person reaches his majority at the age of 21. 一个人二十一岁达到法定成年。
- Moved into new office in Ngau Tau Kok. 迁进牛头角办公地址。
- I have sworn to fight for the Tau. 我已发誓为钛族而战。
- The Imperium of Man is here to enslave the Tau. 人类帝国到这来奴役钛族了。
- A cow's estrus cycle averages 21 days. 母牛的发情周期平均为21天。
- I think this woman just want to "chut fung tau". 标题:我想陈巧文解释点解要系香港传圣火期间搞事!!
- Eco-office Showing Signs Tau Kok. 生态型写字楼渐露头角。
- Pan Tau on snakes, cows moo moo loudly. 蛇盘牛头上,牛哞哞高叫。
- For more on scrollbars, see Chapter 21. 关于滚动条的更多信息参见第21章。
- Kua tatari atu ahau ki tau whakaoranga, e Ihowa. 耶 和 华 阿 , 我 向 来 等 候 你 的 救 恩 。
- The one my Dad rigged with the tau cannon. 就是我爸爸安装了粒子炮的那辆。"
- The village also changed its name to God Tau. 这里的村庄也改名为神头村。
- So what 21) awaits movie fans in the sequel? 那麽,续集中有什麽等著影迷呢?
- Members of 21 minorities live in this area. 这个地区居住有21个少数民族的成员。
- Fred and Bonnie Cappuccino have 21 children. 弗雷德和邦妮·卡普契诺有21个孩子。
- Hen's eggs take 21 days to hatch out. 鸡蛋需要21天才孵化。
- January 16 to 21 were spent in Mali. 1月16日至21日是在马里度过的。
- Please open your books at page 21. 请把课本翻到第21页。