- 2-D coupled Logistic map 二维耦合Logistic映射
- Pseudo-Random Bit Generator Based on Coupled Logistic Maps and its Applications in Chaotic Stream-Cipher Algorithms 基于耦合Logistic映射的伪随机位发生器及其在混沌序列密码算法中的应用
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- The complexities of Fibonacci sequence,Logistic map and nucleic acid sequences are calculated accord- ing to a definition given in [1]. 进一步讨论了如何定义一维序列复杂性的问题;计算了平方映象;Fibonacci序列和核酸序列的复杂性.;结果表明;准周期的Fibonacci序列有相对最高的复杂性;
- Theoretical analysis shows that the EOE Logistic Map chaotic spread spectrum sequences are better than the original sequences. 理论分析表明 ;EOELogistic映射有限长度扩频序列的奇 /偶相关特性较原序列有所改善 .
- The logistic map and Lorenz system were studied respectively,and the property of the results of numberical simulation were judged by three methods. 分别研究了一维逻辑映象和洛仑兹系统,用三种方法判断数值模拟结果的性质。
- Two typical pattern in coupled logistic lattices (CLL) are calculated numerically and a series of stabilized spatiotemporal periodic orbits are obtained. 数值计算耦合单峰格子(CLL)的两种典型模式,得到了一系列稳定的时空周期轨道。
- B group(42 cases) received BCG polysaccharide and nucleic acid preparation [1 mg(2 branches),every 2 d for 1 dose,im]. B组(42例)肌肉注射卡介菌多糖-核酸注射液[1次/2 d,1mg(2支)/次];
- With regard to eNOS,at 2 d,3 d and 7 d post pMCAO,group B performed significant difference with group C and group D. eNOS阳性表达2、3、7d;各组之间比较差异有统计学意义(P?0.;05)。
- Matra - Marconi's "tax" 2 C (R05) or 2 D (modified after the R06 and R07) satellite communications equipment. 马特拉-马可尼公司的“赋税”2C(R05)或2D(改装后的R06和R07)卫星通信设备。
- The reconstruction of the 3 D deformed paleostructures should be considered as the superimposition of 2 D deformation. 三维变形古构造恢复一般应视为二维变形的某种叠加,叠加方式视断裂总体变形特征而定。
- However,it had some limitation in partial deformity of surficial body, not better than the 2 D images. 但有其一定的局限性,对部分体表畸形检出不及二维探头。
- These results suggested that two immunosuppressants of CsA and 1,25(OH) 2 D 3 , combined use at low doses might be an effective therapy for EAT. 提示 :小剂量免疫抑制剂 Cs A和 1,2 5 (OH) 2 D3 联合防治 EAT有效 ,并具有协同作用。
- In addition, after 10 cycles of end-of-day far-red irradiations (EOD FR), the heading and flowering date of the mutant was delayed for 2 d. 另外,在育性转换敏感期每日主光期结束时(EOD)进行10次短暂的远红光(FR)照射。 结果表明,农垦58S植株抽穗和开花期比SD处理推迟2d,而花粉败育率、种子结实率却无变化。
- Different from the standard algorithm,the fast 2 D back projection(2D FBP)proposed in this paper requires computational time O(N 2 log N 2). 本研究提出一种快速二维反投影算法 ,其计算量仅为O(N~2 log_2~N )。
- The Luo Rudy models (LRd00) of mammalian ventricular cell were used in simulating of two dimensional (2 D) ventricular tissue. 用Luo Rudy心室肌细胞动作电位模型LRd0 0进行二维心室肌组织仿真研究。
- Frequency-Hopping Sequences by the Logistic Map Logistic映射跳频序列
- Mudde.R.F,Van Den Akker.H.E.A,2 D and3 D simulations of an airlift loop reactor of the basis of a two-fluid model,Chem.Eng. 赵飞.;外环流反应器中气体分布及气液两相的计算流体力学研究[D]
- In infarct volume,group B performed significant difference with group C and group D at 2 d,3 d,and 7 d post pMCAO,but there was no difference between group C and group D. 梗死体积测定;在2、3、7d;B组与C组、D组比较差异有统计学意义(P?0.;05); C组与D组比较差异无统计学意义(P?0