- 17 years of literary cre~ltion 十七年文学创作
- First,how should we evaluate our work in the first 17 years of the People's Republic? 第一,关于对中国第一个十七年工作的估计问题。
- You have a Master's Degree or Ph.D. And at least 17 years of full-time or full-time equivalent study. 您具有硕士或博士学问,并具有17年以上的全日制的学习经历。
- The 41-year-old with six NBA titles and 17 years of NBA experience, wants to come back and play for a contending team. 这位获得6个NBA总冠军,打了17个赛季的41岁老球员,打算再次回到这个竞技场上来。
- Jordan talked a bit about his divorce last year from his wife, Juanita, after 17 years of marriage. 乔丹也略微谈及17年婚姻之后,去年和妻子朱安分手之事。
- Yet that glum verdict on 17 years of liberalisation, privatisation and stabilisation was tempered by another finding. 过去17年的自由化、私有化和稳定化催生了人们的郁闷情绪,不过这种情绪却被另一个发现所调和;
- NBA superstar Michael Jordan and his wife Juanita. Michael Jordan and his wife, Juanita, filed for divorce Friday after 17 years of marriage. NBA巨星迈克尔·乔丹与结婚17年的妻子胡安妮塔于本周五向法院提出离婚诉讼。
- AVAST from the Czech Republic, has 17 years of history, but only recently in the rise here, It has a leading position in foreign markets. 来自捷克的AVAST,已有17年的历史,但最近才在我们这里兴起,它在国外市场一直处于领先地位。
- Mr. Solzhenitsyn outlived by nearly 17 years the Soviet state and system he had battled through years of imprisonment, ostracism and exile. 索尔仁尼琴被他一直战斗的苏维埃体制囚禁、流放长达17年。
- The magazine was the marketplace of literary theory. 那本杂志是文学理论激战之论坛。
- Up to now, after its 17 years of operations in China, CHP has established 8 regional offices, near 40 customer service centers, and 2 factories. 经过长达17年的发展过程,时至今日,惠普在全国已设有八大区域业务总部、近40个客户支持中心和2家工厂。
- Such a move would effectively admit the failure of 17 years of bipartisan policy aimed at incorporating Russia into the international order. 这种做法将彻底地承认17年来旨在把俄罗斯纳入国际秩序的两党的共同努力政策的失败。
- This paper points out through careful texutal analysis that Post Yuan began on the 36 th year of the reign of King Hui of Liang, and it has 17 years from 334 to 318 BC. 梁惠王“后元”一共十七年,其年代是公元前334年至公元前318年。
- In years of plenty everyone has plenty to eat. 丰年时人人都吃得饱。
- His years of study were useful in his job. 他多年的学习有助于他的工作。
- Intermountain Power has Fibrecrete installed in scubber ducts, various tankage including Limestone Slurry Tanks. They have installations with over 17 years of service. 联山电力在脱硫塔内,罐和石灰罐内使用了萨伟真纤维涂层产品,至今已经使用了17年,没有出现问题。联系如下:
- Success is the fruition of his years of work. 成功是他多年工作的成果。
- Liberally sprinkled with cyber cafes, jazz clubs and opulent shopping districts, it also struggles to fit in the endless stream of refugees befuddled by 17 years of civil war. 城市中随意地散布着电子咖啡馆,爵士乐俱乐部和繁华的购物区,它也在努力地发展,来接纳着17年内战中产生的无穷难民潮。
- Nowhere is the outlook grimmer than in Somalia, where soaring food prices have added to the problems caused by three years of drought, and 17 years of civil war. 联合国机构已警告说,旱灾、局势动荡以及食品价格上涨导致非洲之角地区已经糟糕的人道状况在今后几个月内有进一步恶化的危险。
- Life is the source of literary creation. 生活是文学创作的源泉。