- 妻子wife
- 一五一十地讲给his wife听。His wife is very angry.
- 哎,His wife is riding a horse.The fisherman goes into the castle.
- (=Certified Nurse-Mid-wife) 持证助产护士C.N.M.
- 发现his wife正垂头丧气地sit in an old chair.The fisherman opens the door
- 这财产属于死者的妻子。The estate vested in the wife of the deceased.
- 我的妻子不久要生孩子了。My wife is expecting.
- 他对妻子很忠诚。He is loyal to his wife.
- 他与妻子离异了。He split up with his wife.
- 他妻子是一位审慎的理财人。His wife is a prudent manager of money.
- 他向他的妻子发火。He vented his anger on his wife.
- 妻子与我共患难。My wife shared with me in distress.
- 她会成为一个好妻子。She will make a good wife.
- 他是个殴打妻子的可耻之徒。He is a scandalous wife beater.
- 妻子把我的衣服紧塞在手提箱里。My wife compacted my clothes in a suitcase.
- 官员们携带妻子参加宴会。The officials came to the party with their wives.
- 他需要更多的钱来抚养妻子儿女。He needs more money to keep his wife and children.
- 我每次出差回家,妻子总会预先考虑到我的全部需要而作好安排。My wife anticipates all my needs each time I come back from a business trip.
- 他那敏锐的目光射向他的妻子。His shrewd eyes looked across at his wife.
- 他妻子的怒气看来无法缓和。No mollification of his wife's anger appeared likely.