- 黩blacken
- 调职relegation
- 神职人员priestess
- 之职exarchate
- 圣职者hierophant
- 他声明放弃会长一职。He made a renunciation of his chairmanship.
- 主教在大教堂执行圣职。The bishop officiated at the cathedral.
- 他被选上担任市长之职。He was elected to the office of mayor.
- 新职outplace
- 神职theocratic
- 他已就任新职。He has been installed in his new office.
- 职人员名单paysheet
- 我相信你一定能胜任新职,因为你是一个能当重任的人。I know that you will make good in your new job because you thrive on.
- 他在一家美国大公司谋得一职。He landed a job in a large American corporation.
- 半职part-time work
- 缺乏责任意识的,未尽职的Lacking a sense of duty.
- 身兼数职take upon oneself several posts
- 这个贪官被罢了职。The corrupt official was removed from office.
- 职掌be in charge of