- 金丝猴golden monkey
- 黔an old name for Guizhou (贵州) province
- 滇金丝猴Yunnan snub-nosed monkey
- 川金丝猴Golden snub-nosed monkey
- 黔驴弹琴An ass at the lyre
- 我们一共捉到10只金丝猴。Altogether we caught ten golden monkeys.
- 黔驴计穷was bankrupt of new ideas.
- 金丝猴产地the native haunt of the golden monkey
- 主黔in charge of the Guizhou Province
- 秦岭川金丝猴Activity budget
- 黔中Central Guizhou
- 川金丝猴头骨Guantaoyuan in Baoji
- 滇黔Dian Qian
- 川金丝猴亚种Rhinopithecus roxellanae subspecies
- 黔首common people
- 金丝猴是世界上的稀有动物。The golden monkey is a kind of rare animal in the world.
- 黔黎common people
- 川金丝猴的一次食物转变A Dietary Shift in Sichuan Snub-nosed Monkeys
- 黔酒Ouizhou wine
- 我们一共捉到十只金丝猴。Altogether we caught ten golden monkeys.