- 黑颈长尾雉Syrmaticus humiae
- 沼泽大尾莺Canegrass
- 哀牢山自然保护区南华分区黑颈长尾雉春季栖息地利用Habitat use of Syrmaticus humiae in Nanhua Part of Ailaoshan National Nature Reserve in spring
- 斑背大尾莺Streak-backed Marsh Warbler
- 黑black
- 古老品系扇尾Old Fashion Fan Tail ML
- 非洲黑颈鸵鸟Africa black-neck ostrich
- 扇尾金鱼很容易照顾。Fantail goldfish are easy to look after.
- 尾tail
- 黑颈、耳部有簇生的黄色羽毛的小??;产于欧亚大陆、南美以及美国西部。small grebe with yellow ear tufts and a black neck; found in Eurasia and southern Africa as well as western United States.
- 莺golden oriole
- 听关于扇尾金鱼的报告Listen to a talk on the fantail goldfish
- 黑莓blackberry
- 颈neck
- 宫颈neck of uterus
- 排气扇exhaust fan
- 黑的sable
- 颈部the neck area of the body
- 尾页endpage
- 扇区sectors