- 食籽雀seedeater
- 黑籽雀稗Paspalum atratum
- 马背及輋顶食水缸Ma Pui and Che Teng Fresh Water Tank
- 黑顶病black tip
- 马背及輋顶食水泵房Ma Pui and Che Teng Fresh Water Pump House
- 黑籽雀稗属H202
- 黑顶螺纹black crested thread
- 食籽用栝楼直播栽培技术The direct sowing culture of Seed-edible Mongolian snake-gourd
- 顶most
- 食animal feed
- 热研11号黑籽雀稗Keywords Paspalum atratum Bra. cv. Reyan No.ll
- 黑顶白颊林莺blackpoll
- 日食solar eclipse
- 雀lentigo
- 籽seeds
- 晒黑brown
- 胡桃,一种属于胡桃属的落叶树,具有羽状复叶及裹住含有可食籽的干果状果核的圆形多汁的外果襞。Any of several deciduous trees of the genus Juglans,having pinnately compound leaves and a round,sticky outer fruit wall that encloses a nutlike stone with an edible seed.
- 黑顶白颊林莺,一种北美鸣禽(黑顶白颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠a North American warbler(Dendroica striata),the male of which has a black cap
- 暴食gluttony
- 顶杆mandril