- 测定了广州市白云山白头鹎(Pycnonotus sinensis)、暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonicus)、大山雀(Parus major)和白眉?(Emberiza tristrami )飞羽、胸肌和肝脏中的汞、砷和硒残留量。Live Chinese Bulbul (Pycnonotus sinensis), Japanese White-eye (Zosterops japonicus), Great Tit (Parus major) and Tris-trams Bunting (Emberiza tristrami ) were collected at Baiyushan, Guangzhou city in China from November 1999 to January 2000. The birds were killed and primary feathers, chest muscle and liver were extracted. Levels of mercury, arsenic and selenium were analyzed by using an atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
- 绣眼鸟white-eye
- 黑顶病black tip
- 黑顶螺纹black crested thread
- 黑顶白颊林莺blackpoll
- 枭和秀眼鸟的窠A Nest for Owl and a Warbler
- 在银眼鸟那奇妙动人的歌声中By a strange mellow sound from a silver eyed bird
- 黑顶白颊林莺,一种北美鸣禽(黑顶白颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠a North American warbler(Dendroica striata),the male of which has a black cap
- 这几个姑娘好象一群逃出笼子的秀眼鸟,喧噪谈笑,闹个不休。The young girls rustled and chatted like warblers escaped from their cage
- 黑顶白颊林莺一种北美鸣禽(黑顶白颊林莺林莺属),其雄性有一黑冠A North American warbler(Dendroica striata), the male of which has a black cap.
- 屁眼asshole
- 变黑darken
- 笨鸟先飞A slow sparrow should make an early start.
- 天黑darkness
- 穹顶dome
- 媚眼ogle
- 鸟叫chirp
- 灭顶be drowned
- 抛媚眼ogle
- 不死鸟the secular bird