- 鸣禽,任何一种属于银莺科的小型、常为棕色或灰色的东半球歌鸟,如黑顶莺和灰莺any of various small,often brownish or grayish Old World songbirds of the family Silviidae,as the blackcap and the whitethroat
- 黑顶病black tip
- 黑black
- 黑顶螺纹black crested thread
- 顶most
- 鸣禽任何一种属于银莺科的小型、常为棕色或灰色的东半球歌鸟,如黑顶莺和灰莺Any of various small,often brownish or grayish Old World songbirds of the family Silviidae,as the blackcap and the whitethroat.
- 老歌old song
- 黑莓blackberry
- 歌名title of the song
- 黑顶白颊林莺blackpoll
- 歌集songbook
- 头顶vertex
- 国际歌the Internationale
- 黑的sable
- 机顶盒set-top box
- 歌的melic
- 黑眼圈dark pouches
- 副歌refrain
- 黑灯瞎火dark
- 顶杆mandril