- 美乃滋酱mayonnaise
- 主厨师为沙拉准备了独特的美乃滋佐料。The chef had prepared his special mayonnaise sauce for the salad.
- 艾米莉:也好,可是不要美乃滋。Emilie: That's OK, but no mayonnaise.
- 鸡蛋美乃滋是用蛋黄酱和煮老的鸡蛋做成的。Egg mayonnaise is made with mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs.
- 美America
- 鸡蛋美乃滋是用蛋黄酱和煮老的鸡蛋做成的Egg mayonnaise is made with mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs
- 鸡蛋美乃滋是用蛋黄酱和煮老的鸡蛋做成的.Egg mayonnaise is made with mayonnaise and hard-boiled eggs.
- 美的esthetical
- 斑马有黑色的条纹。A zebra has black stripes.
- 我挑了一套黑色西装。I picked out a black suit.
- 暗黑色的furvous
- 这些三明治味道不错,不过加些美乃滋会更好。These sandwiches are good, but they'd be even better with a little mayonnaise.
- 美金dollar
- 她穿一身灰黑色衣服。She was dressed in somber black.
- 唯美aestheticism
- 白色的长袍上配上黑色的腰带更显洁白。A black sash relieves a white gown.
- 在白色的衬托下,黑色很显目。The black shows up against the white.
- 美酒excellent alcohol
- 得一知己乃人生一大乐事。Having a bosom friend is one of the niceties of life.
- 王先生的头发染成黑色。Mr. Wang's hair was tinted black.