- 白腹长尾猴Mona
- 肛窦为腹长的1/2。Anal sinus about 1/2 length of abdomen.
- 黑black
- 长long
- 尾tail
- 中国直腹长蝽族三种若虫记述(半翅目:长蝽科:地长蝽亚科)Descriptions of the Immature Stages of Three Species of the Tribe Ozophorini (Heteroptera: Lygaeidae: Rhyparochrominae) from China
- 黑莓blackberry
- 黑腹绒鼠Eothenomys melanogaster
- 长的full-bottomed
- 长大grow up
- 黑腹果蝇Drosophila melanogaster
- 穿山甲一种长尾,身覆角质鳞的哺乳动物,属有鳞目,产于热带非洲和亚洲,长有长鼻子和有粘性的嘴,以便捕捉和吃掉蚂蚁和白蚁Any of several long-tailed, scale-covered mammals of the order Pholidota of tropical Africa and Asia, having a long snout and a sticky tongue for catching and eating ants and termites.
- 黑腹胃蝇Gastrophilus pecorum
- 长尾猴树栖的非洲猴子的一种,长尾猴属,后腿长,尾长Any of various chiefly arboreal African monkeys, primarily of the genus Cercopithecus, having long hind legs and a long tail.
- 双翅目昆虫(黑腹果蝇和冈比亚按蚊)内含子丢失的比较分析Analysis of intron loss in Diptera (Drosophila melanogaster and Anopheles gambiae )
- 长尾水獭Lutra longicaudis
- 黑腹花背箱龟Black Bellied Flowerback box turtle C. Galbinifrons
- 长尾理论Comment on The Long Tail
- 黑腹果蝇种组Drosophila melanogaster species group
- 长尾夹binder clips