- 黑白black and white
- 鸣to cry (of birds)
- 黑白照片black-and-white photograph
- 鸡鸣crow
- 蜂鸣singing
- 黑白电影black-and-white film
- 鹃cuckoo
- 按黑白方式打印print in black and white
- 夜莺啭鸣。The nightingale whistled sweetly.
- 绿鹃,产于中南美的绿鹃属的小型绿色鸟类,与绿鹃有关any of various small greenish birds of the genus Hylophilus of Central and South America,related to the vireos
- 黑白电视black-and-white television
- 司机在鸣喇叭。The drivers were tooting their horns.
- 噪鹃Chinese koel
- 风琴在奏鸣。The organ is playing.
- 鸦鹃Coucal
- 黑白电视机black-and-white receiver
- 走鹃roadrunner
- 黑白图片black & white picture
- 我们听到邻近树林里的鸟鸣声。We heard bird calls from the neighboring woods.
- 肠鸣音intestinal gurgling sound