- 短柄蟹囊蘑Melanoleuca brevipes
- 黑白black and white
- 囊sack
- 黑白照片black-and-white photograph
- 蘑mushroom
- 球囊sacculus
- 黑白电影black-and-white film
- 香囊incense bag
- 按黑白方式打印print in black and white
- 囊泡vesicle
- 昨天你去溜冰[钓鱼,浏览,采蘑茹]了吗?Did you go skating [fishing, sight-seeing, collecting mushrooms] yesterday?
- 黑白电视black-and-white television
- 包囊inwrap
- 鸡腿蘑发酵液与钒酸钠协同抑制小鼠血糖升高作用的研究Study on the Co-effect of Coprinus Comatus Fermentation Liquid and Sodium Vanadate in the Process of Inhibiting Ascension of Blood Glucose in Mice
- 黑白电视机black-and-white receiver
- 尿囊素allantoin
- 黑白图片black & white picture
- 微囊micro-capsule
- 黑白摄影black-and-white photography
- 卵黄囊yolk sac